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Posts posted by Zanela123

  1. 1 hour ago, learnfordays said:

    Not sure which schools have already conducted interviews...but it seems like someone received an invite from Wharton from the results page. Sure makes one's anxiety jump up very quickly... :(


    Could you by any chance link me to the results page?  I can't seem to find it.  Is there one just for business?

  2. On 2016-08-13 at 11:21 AM, AP said:

    Well, in theory, no one has written a dissertation proposal until you have to write the one and only! ;) And then, you will continue to write similar projects so it's worthwhile taking advantage of writing this one.

    The dissertation proposal is your opportunity to tell all faculty in the department what your project is, what your big questions are, and that they should vouch for you. I wrote it imagining my friends' advisors reading it and trying to figure out what they would say. So your audience is within your discipline.

    I defended back in March and I remember having no clue of what to do in early January. Talk to your advisor, they know what they want (more or less) so you can get a sense of what to do and what not to do. In my department there are guidelines but no one ever follows them so it's highly advisable talking to our supervisors. Also, I'm sure you have applied for grants by now. I used a grant application as my base document and expanded from there. I also went back to my book notes for Quals. The dissertation proposal is your opportunity to tell all faculty in the department what your project is and you want them to vouch for you. I wrote it imagining my friends' advisors reading it and trying to figure out what they would say. 

    Good luck!

    Thanks so much AP!

  3. What's the difference? 


    From my research, the I-O psyc program have internship opportunities whereas the OB does not.  So does that mean that if I choose to do consulting work in the future rather than stay in academia, that my chances would be more limited if I study OB?


    Anyone know the difference in the programs? 

  4. Hello:


    I am wondering if there are internship placements in your business programs?


    I am curious about the practical side of research in the workplace.  I am currently debating whether to apply to Industrial organizational psychology (which typically has internships) vs. Organizational behavior (which typically does not have internships) and how choose either degree can affect my chances later in consulting work (vs. remain in academia).


    3 hours ago, juilletmercredi said:

    What kind of proposal? A grant? A fellowship application? A dissertation proposal? How long is it supposed to be?

    I've written all of those kinds of proposals of different lengths (ranging from 3 pages to 20-30) and different tips hold for different types.

    dissertation proposal!!

  6. Have any of you written a research proposal before?  The answer is probably yes.  But me? Nope.

    I have to write one soon; any tips/general guidelines?  Would much appreciate it!


    23 hours ago, AP said:

    Your advisor does not own you. You are free to do whatever you want. 

    If you are meeting with your advisor over the summer to discuss applications, you may certainly tell him as an update. You didn't do anything wrong, you know that, right? If you are not meeting with your advisor now, there is no point in sending him an e-mail only for this. As @fuzzylogician said, this is a matter-of-fact issue, give it the tone and space it deserves. Moreover, if you haven't already, you'll learn that grad school is about self-assertiveness. You are in charge of you, not your advisor or POI. This is up to you. Embrace that. 

    Thanks for this!! You are so so right... I'm the one in the driver seat.


    3 hours ago, MarineBluePsy said:

    I agree you didn't do anything wrong and you are free to do what you need to in order to move your career forward.  You do not have to go out of your way to tell your advisor about this meeting, but don't blatantly lie about it or try to hide it either.  At some point in the future if you and your advisor happen to be talking about reaching out to POIs or the program this professor is from then that would be a natural time to mention that you happened to meet them at a conference and then after to talk shop.

    Thanks so much :)

  8. On 2016-07-16 at 1:43 PM, fuzzylogician said:

    Wow, it sounds like you are over-thinking this. You advisor gave you advice about when it would be best to contact POIs. If you had asked me I would have said the same, because a lot of professors are on vacation now and haven't begun planning for next year. This is obviously not to say that no one has, just that on average you'll probably get a better response rate and catch people when they are better informed if you reach out in the early fall than in the middle of summer. Unless your advisor expressly forbade you from contacting other professors (which I doubt!), I really don't see the problem in telling him that you have a meeting set up with someone who you met at a conference last month. Don't psych yourself out about "going against his advice" or about someone else "spilling the beans". Relax, there was an opportunity because of a conference, you took it, and it looks like it worked out for you. Just tell him matter of factly that this is happening and ask for his advice for preparing. Don't act like there is anything wrong, because there isn't. 

    Ugh I Know!!!  I can't help but over think and over stress about little things when it comes to school.  Thanks for this fuzzylogician.. Sometimes I do need someone to say "hey you are over thinking this, it's not that big a deal".

    Thanks!!! Appreciate it greatly. :)

  9. I plan to apply to a ph.d. program this fall and my M.A. advisor is telling me that I should not contact POIs until around fall.  I understand his reasoning. However a month ago I attended a conference and met a POI I would like to work it for my Ph.D.  This ph.d. POI told me to email him, and so I did right after the conference to set up a date to meet to discuss about the program and potential supervision.


    Thing is: my M.A. advisor has no clue I am arranging this with the ph.D. POI.  I didn't tell him because 1) he told me to not message POIs until later so I am going against his advice and 2) I didn't know it was happening for sure so I kept my mouth shut.


    Anyway, it is happening for sure, the ph.d. POI confirmed a date.

    My question is:  should I now tell my advisor I am going to meet this ph.d. POI so that I can get advice from him on what q's to ask, etc?  OR should I NOT tell my advisor and go meet this ph.d. POI?

    Oh edit: I already mentioned that I might see a potential ph.d. POI to a current grad student who is very close to my advisor so there is a slight chance she may have already told him I was meeting someone.


    I am torn.  PLEASE HELP.

  10. Hi piglet, thanks so much for the response.

    Well, actually I re-read the REB forms and found out they are an IV and a DV.  I need to correct my previous statement (they are not two IVs).

    Those are good points Piglet. I think my question is: would I be able to administer a scale to tap into another variable I am interested in, or am I restricted to using the scales stated in the REB? What I'm trying to get is: isn't it hard to track back the people who completed these sets of questionnaires and present them with another set to measure what I want to measure? Does this make sense?

    I guess I'm just not sure how research works (still new at this) and for my undergraduate studies, I didn't come up with my own research question. :(

  11. Hi everyone,


    I am a new masters student and am required to come up with a research topic based on existing data from the lab. However my advisor sent me REB (research ethics board) documents which includes self-report questionnaires of the scales used and the debriefing form that explains the purpose of the study. I don't want to sound stupid and ask him (because this is potentially a stupid question - so please bear with me), but am I supposed to come up with a research topic based on these documents? All I have are the scales used for 2 IV measures and the purpose of the study, but not any actual real data sets. 


    Am I missing something here? I'm not sure how I am to create a masters research topic using just the REB forms!! 

  12. Hi guys,


    I was wondering if students with an MA background in health psychology can be successfully admitted into an I/O psychology phD program at another university?


    I am from Canada.. any input regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated! I am just curious how this can be done. Like, if it is difficult to change disciplines like that,... etc.



  13. Right…thanks.


    I'm also wondering, one of my course grade was not included on my transcript in my application to that school, in which I received an 87% in. Is that something I should mention in the email (a bit awkward to bring it up though, right?).


    Ahh, I'm definitely over-thinking this, but this is the first school I've heard back from and I am 90% I will be rejected from the other schools I applied so I want to make sure I am contacting this POI with the best possible message.

  14. Hi,


    I applied to a graduate psychology program and have heard back last week that I am on the waiting list. The email stated that I am encouraged to stay in contact with my POI.


    I'm just wondering, what should I say in my email to my POI? Do I ask for a phone call (or would that be too direct?), thank her for putting me on the wait list?





  15. Hey everyone,


    New here, but really appreciate that this forum exists! 


    Anyways, I want to apply for clinical psychology but I know how competitive it is to get in. I'm just wondering, can I take a psychology masters program other than clinical (say, health or social psychology), and then proceed to apply for a phD in clinical psychology? Also, if I do a masters degree in a particular area (i.e health psychology), would that confine me to just attaining jobs in health psychology field?


    In addition, I'm confused what the difference is between a registered psychologist and a clinical psychologist since a registered psychologists can assess, diagnose, and treat mental disorders too?


    And if any of you can suggest programs in psychology I can go into that relates to dealing with mental health disorders, diagnosing, has more clinical emphasis…etc. i would appreciate it!







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