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Posts posted by WrinkleInTime

  1. Realistic question: I'm graduating with both a BA in Anthro and a Bachelor of Journalism in May. I'm looking for RAships so that I'm not sitting on my hands/doing something entirely unrelated to Anthro/still learning (namely this last one). In a perfect world, I would LOVE to be paid, but I've recently been told that getting paid with just a BA might be a bit of a pipe dream.


    Thoughts on this? I really enjoy being self-sufficient - my parents have already helped me out extensively with paying for undergrad, so I really would like to not have to further rely on (read: be a tremendous financial burden for) them.

  2. This is my second attempt since dropping out so I've applied to graduate programs three times now.  I think it's really normal right now to apply more than once to get into a good program.  If you want I can check out your SOP for round 2 and make some suggestions.  


    I might take you up on that. Right now, I'm working on finding programs that I'd fit better :) 3 rounds is impressive. That is persistence and tenacity at its finest.

  3. Thanks museum_geek and smg -- super reassuring on both counts! I'm perusing the research assistant options at the moment, so that will certainly help if I can get something nailed down!


    I wasn't expecting to go through this twice, but frankly, it's going to be a very good thing. I have a track record of making questionable application decisions (that have all worked out, thankfully), so I'm sort of excited to give this another go!

  4. Considering applying next year - I think I really botched my options this round. Only one school was a really good fit for my interests, so I sort of screwed myself for when I didn't get in. I'm also in a mild panic - I'm about to finish undergrad, so I'm going to lose my rec letter options (or at least 1-2 of them) and the potential for building lab experience in my current setting. I don't know where to go from here.


    Would love some input on programs that are strong in the Bio Anth realm; I'm interested in combining osteology and genetics, and I want to apply smarter next year. 

  5. Has anyone else not heard ANYTHING from ANYWHERE? I mean...I'm assuming that Cornell and Berkeley are nos, since some people have posted acceptances for both, but other than that I'm getting 100% radio silence. I mean, perhaps it has something to do with the relatively late due dates for my schools (January 1st or later)? And I guess hearing nothing with nothing posted in the results is better than hearing nothing while other people have results....but really though? Really?


    Same boat! Wondering if anyone on here can claim the Penn State interview? 

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