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    Global Traveler
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
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  1. I know for the U.S. Fulbright the information you are looking for can be found in the "Country Discription" and in the "Directory." The Country Discription page will tell you the types of majors the country is looking for. And the Directory will tell you the name of the Fulbright Scholar and what the topic of their research was. I hope I am answering your question and you find this information useful.
  2. That's great to hear! Of course I'm excited to start conducting research, but it's always nice to hear that the place you may be for 10 months is wonderful. I have traveled around the UK and the people all seem to be warm and inviting. I'm sure you'll fall in love with it!
  3. I think all three are great options! They definitely all have tons of culture! I have three projects in mind, I am still in the process of narrowing down what my research will be. But all of my ideas focus on the social and cultural atmosphere that exists in UAE.
  4. Both Germany and India sound great! Unfortunately I have no clue where you would find stipend information for a specific country. All I know is that the program says the stipend will be enough to live off of. I do believe that it varies from country to country.
  5. Thank you! What countries are you looking into? I'm interested in the UAE because I visited there when I was studying abroad in Jordan. Plus I have studied Arabic for four years so conducting research will be a bit easier. Jordan was my first thought but for the research I'm conducting it's not appropriate.
  6. Jenrd, Thank you for making this new thread I'm excited to hear about everyone's journey. What kind of grants are people interested in? I interested in apply for a research/study grant to the UAE.
  7. I am 0_0. I never post but I am on here constantly. I will be applying for the 2017-2018 cycle!
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