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Everything posted by lunalit

  1. Hypervodka - what an accomplishment! Many congratulations!! And to all the other Rutgers admits as well!
  2. And I would agree in principle. An expensive unfunded MA is clearly not a wise financial decision in the vast majority of cases. I think that point has been made clear. And I agree that if drownsoda can attend a funded MA program then that would definitely be preferable for many reasons. But I'm also not of the unfunded MA = never camp. Since, well, I did an unfunded MA (though at a local state school with much lower tuition). I just think everybody's situation is different, and - in the end - drownsoda needs to make the decision that they can live with. I also think the OP seemed very concerned about how they would be perceived by others rather than the actual taking on of debt itself, and I think it was worth offering a reassurance that the decision needs to be the right one for drownsoda and not anybody else.
  3. ^^this! Congratulations on your acceptance to what I know is a really wonderful program! In the end, you are the only one who will need to live with and be happy with whatever decision you make.
  4. I was under the impression that teaching experience is actually not very important when applying to PhD programs. I did an unfunded MA at a local state school. We were given opportunities to teach but tuition remission was not included. I have a few years of teaching experience now because of this, and while I think this was an incredibly valuable experience and will serve me well in the future, I don't know that it made much difference to admissions committees. Not one of my applications asked me to talk about my teaching experience, and my professors advised me to foreground my research and writing over teaching on my CV.
  5. Thanks for the advice. I admit, I am afraid now. -24 windchill. woah.
  6. I received a similar email yesterday and was seriously confused. Then a few hours later I received an email that my application status had been updated and, lo and behold, it was! I'd give it till the end of the day.
  7. I was agonizing over whether or not I should email the DGS at Princeton to ask about their waitlist procedure, but after reading the responses here I think I'll go ahead and email. Have I mentioned how incredibly appreciative I am of all the goodwill on GC this year? It's really astounding. *warm hugs to all*
  8. I was just waitlisted at Princeton. WUT IS GOING ON. Pinch me. Hard.
  9. I'm from LA, and I'd say dark jeans count for a happy medium between dressy and casual. Dark jeans, a blouse, flats (zomg do not wear heels - UCLA is on a hill). Bring a sweater in case it's cool and for air-conditioned buildings. Now being from LA, please advise as to how to dress in Chicago in March. Will a parka/boots still be necessary? I've no idea what to do with myself once the temperature goes below 55.
  10. Congratulations to all the amazing acceptances today!!
  11. Another UVA rejection! Disappointed, but OH WELL!
  12. I also only received a rather confusing email/pdf letter about funding, but I look forward to hearing more!
  13. My first bit of news was a rejection, and I was gutted. Barely slept that night, convinced that no school would want me. The next day I got a phone call letting me know I was accepted to NWU. So...don't freak out, one rejection doesn't mean you won't get in anywhere! It's still very early! (That said, I know how you feel! It's a horrible, horrible feeling!)
  14. Thanks all! All the warm fuzzies! And congrats to all the other acceptances so far...very exciting!
  15. Hi all - I've been lurking here for awhile but have appreciated the warmth and general conviviality of this board. Anyway, I thought I'd chime in to claim one of the Northwestern acceptances. I was pretty much speechless after I got the phone call and am still pinching myself.
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