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Posts posted by 2wpi8y

  1. Hello all, I'm aware this forum is flooded with threads about whether certain scores are adequate, which is often impossible to answer with much specificity, but I'm really unsure of what to do so... sorry.


    Background: Senior, 3.80 GPA, fairly competitive undergraduate institution (top couple US News for the field, not that that necessarily means anything), 3 years of undergraduate research, but unfortunately no publications at this point.


    I'm hoping to get into a top (again, arbitrary) 20-ish Bioengineering PhD program. Don't harbor any real hopes for MIT or Stanford or anything like that but felt pretty good about my chances of ending up somewhere great in general.


    GRE-time: 170 Q, 163 V. So that's good, not a particularly influential part of the application, I've heard, but at least I got it out of the way. A week later my writing score comes back as a 3.5 (30-40 percentile). I've never considered myself an amazing writer but yikes.


    I know 200 dollars now is nothing compared to getting into a much better grad school, but I was wondering if that's really the choice I'm presented with. Keeping the score seems like an easy way of getting my app thrown out, but I'd hope most admissions offices would give me a chance/read my essays, which in turn I hope might suggest my GRE writing score is not representative of my writing ability. Further, the high Q/V scores should at least demand some additional consideration. Maybe?


    Thanks for any advice!

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