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    United States
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Decaf (2/10)



  1. sbasile2

    EAPSI 2015

    Ugh, of course. haha. This is probably a good place to be able to blame it on my brain being 20 places at once. I initially thought it was just a straight CV, but other fellowships have the other more essayish background/personal parts, and I overthought it as I'm wont to do. Thanks for the (multiple) clarifications!
  2. sbasile2

    EAPSI 2015

    I'm in the middle of working out my application (Mocha your post was incredibly helpful) and the hardest part for me is trying to format all this information in a coherent manner without missing anything. Would anyone be up for sharing their application? And/or reviewing mine when I manage to pull it together? Is the biographical sketch supposed to be more in a CV or a narrative/essay format? Thanks!
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