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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall

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  1. Thanks for the response. Yes, I will be completing an MS - sorry I forgot to mention that. Based on the conversations I've had with each school, my thesis at SDSU will be more relevant than the one at UTEP. Should I take that into consideration? My BS is actually in environmental science, so I already have a nice environmental background if I wanted find a job in that area.
  2. Hi guys, I am looking for anyone's opinion or knowledge about these two schools: University of Texas at El Paso and San Diego State University. UT El Paso has accepted me with funding both years. San Diego State has accepted me with funding the first year, and likely the second year as well. After considering the higher cost of living, I think it will be more expensive to attend SDSU than UTEP. The quality of education and networking opportunities for a job after graduation are two important things I need to consider here. I would appreciate any information anyone can share. Thanks!
  3. Congratulations! Would you mind sharing how you found out? Was it posted to your GAMES account? I applied there also and haven't heard anything. Anxiously awaiting! Also waiting on Texas Tech. How did you hear that the first wave has already been sent out?
  4. Hi guys, I received my first offer from a geology graduate program two weeks ago. My B.S. degree is in environmental science (geology minor). I'd like to enter the energy industry after I complete my M.S. degree in geology; I was sure to mention that on my application. The project that the department has in mind for me to complete is environmental-based, but I would still be on track for the geology M.S. degree the department offers. The project really does not incorporate the aspects of geology that I had hoped, but it does offer full funding for my M.S. I also find the project interesting. I was wondering how important the topic of your Masters thesis is once you graduate. As long as the degree I receive is in geology, should I be concerned that my thesis may not meet the expectations of the energy sector? Since I am still earning the geology M.S., I will be taking graduate courses in geology just like any other geology graduate student in the department. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  5. I will stick with calculus I, calculus II, and differential equations (along with the two physics courses). I now see that these courses are essentially only the beginning of geophysics coursework. My leveling coursework will surely include linear algebra. Is it common for introductory programming classes to be offered at the graduate level? No combined diff eq/linear algebra course is offered. I will definitely try to get the petrology, stratigraphy, and structural courses completed before I graduate. Thanks. Python is used quite often in GIS, so I may be able to obtain some basic skills online this summer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Are there other areas of geophysics you guys recommend I look into? While seismology does interest me, I can see myself doing petroleum or oceanography, too. Are some areas going to require less programming than others? Do I have a chance of being admitted to a geophysics MS program with my background and future coursework?
  6. My department offers: petrology sedimentation and stratigraphy structural geology paleontology and biostratigraphy hydrogeology None of these courses are offered every semester. Of these 5, are there any courses you recommend me taking over others? There is the possibility of a petroleum geologist joining the department next semester. If this does happen, there may be a seismology class offered. As for programming, I don't have enough time to fit that in with the other math/science courses. Programming may be included in my leveling coursework. I've read on many graduate admission pages that a minimum of 12 hours (three classes) of calculus and differential equations are required as a prerequisite for admission. At my university, calculus III, differential equations, and linear algebra all have the same prerequisite of calculus II. I can take any of those three during Spring 2016. Should I consider linear algebra instead of differential equations that semester (even though it's not listed on admission pages)?
  7. I currently attend a state school that is highly-ranked for its geography program. My major is Resource & Environmental Studies within the geography department. I also have 12 hours of Remote Sensing/GIS coursework completed. I will be graduating in May of 2016. I have not taken the GRE yet. I have been exploring graduate programs and have recently decided that a career in geophysics would be very exciting and suite my interests. While I do not have any experience or direct coursework in geophysics, I feel I could be a competitive candidate for graduate programs if I can prove I have the math and science background. I am interested in pursing a MS degree in Geophysics. I have not decided on a specialization yet, but seismic is an option for me. Below is a summary of my credentials and plan before graduation. I would appreciate it if anybody can provide advice as to what I should be focusing on between now and graduation. Major: BS Resource & Environmental Studies Minor: Geology GPA: 3.7 I am in the middle of my second internship (working in the public sector in risk management). This summer I will be continuing that internship, and also complete a summer internship program with a state agency in a coastal GIS office (will focus primarily on GIS). My Geology minor will cover Physical Geology, Historical Geology, Mineralogy, Stratigraphy, and hopefully either Structural Geology or Petrology. My BS degree requires very little math. In fact, I have only been required to complete College Algebra and Quantitive Methods as degree requirements. That being said, I have fit the following courses into my degree plan before graduation: Spring 2015 (current semester): Calculus I Fall 2015: Calculus II; Mechanics (calculus-based Physics I) Spring 2016: Calculus III (or Differential Equations); Electricity & Magnetism (Physics II) Assuming I complete the courses I have mentioned with a cumulative GPA of 3.45-3.5 (let's assume the worst), do I have a chance of being admitted into an MS program for geophysics? I realize that I will probably have a semester (if not two) of leveling coursework. Any advice on specific programs to look in to, and what to focus my time and attention on during my remaining undergraduate semesters would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  8. I am currently pursuing a BS in Resource and Environmental Studies, as well as a Geology minor and Geographic Information Science (GIS) certificate from a four-year geography program in Texas. I will be graduating Spring 2016, with a 3.5+ GPA. I am in my junior year of college, and will graduate with two internships under my belt (one was environmentally-based for one semester; the other is with a governmental agency performing compliance evaluations). I initially began my college career with the environment in mind, along with the role human interaction plays on it. As this past summer began, I took an interest in sustainability and sustainable design. I have been researching the possibility of graduate school over the past four months, and have decided that I would like to continue my education into a graduate program. Through my research, I have come across several construction management programs and their ability to tie into sustainable design. As a graduating geographer, I am able to comprehend the environmental and location aspects of construction. After this semester, I am three semesters away from graduation. My plan is to utilize my open electives by taking Calculus I and II, and hopefully two semesters of physics for engineering majors at my university. While I realize that many construction management master programs cater to those with a BS in civil engineering or architecture, do I have a fighting chance with my geography background, GPA, and work experience? Does anybody have advice or recommendations as to how I should be spending my time between now and application season? Are there any schools in particular that I should look into? Thanks!
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