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Posts posted by joynow26

  1. Thanks trogdor!


    Greetings from Egypt! I just left Cairo and am on a train to Aswan. I've taken in your feedback about applying to more programs. I may try to apply to 2 more, to make 4, but I'm not sure what those will be and I think its a wee late in the game to add more.


    The reason I only wanted to apply to 2 programs is because my research topic is so specific that I didn't see many schools with professors whose interests match mine. Also because finances are limited, I really want to only apply to schools that truly seem right for me.


    Re: book. Yes! Read tThe Warmth of Other Suns! Anyone have any good travel reads to suggest?


    Also I'm keeping a travel blog if you're interested:



    And there will be one dedicated solely to my research as well.

  2. I think that question needs to be addressed along a couple of different lines.


    1. What are you applying to study? Obviously anthropology, but a paleoanthropologist is going to have more reason to aspire towards a higher quant score than a cultural anthropologist. Your verbal score is really good! So if you're cultural, STOP. If you're bio...mayyyyyybe consider retaking but I wouldn't say it was a must.


    2. Where are you applying? 


    3. What does the rest of your application look like? If you have a killer GPA and have done research, I say you're done. 


    4. Have you made a connection with your POI? This is probably the absolute most important aspect of your application. If you have, and if they have expressed interest in your research, I'd say don't retake.



    Thanks guys. I like the way you think!  ;) 


    To answer your questions, Faultypowers


    1. Cultural


    2. As of yesterday, I was also only applying to 2 schools (Tulane and Stanford) but after the feedback on here I'm going to try to find some other programs that could suit me as well.


    3. I don't think the rest of my application looks like shit. I have a 3.8 GPA from undergrad, doing a 6 month field study on my own research topic. There are also other potential drawbacks to my application (not coming from an anthro background, blah, blah, blah...) but screw it! This is who I am and I'm not apologizing! 


    4. While I've made contact with 3 POIs only 1 has expressed interest. 

  3. ...the GRE?


    I took it today and I didn't do much better than my last practice test. :unsure: While I'm relieved it's over, I was hoping to do better.


    so here they are:


    Q 141 V 165.


    And I feel really good about my essays but of course I don't have that score yet.


    Do you think a re-take is in order?

  4. just took it today and I am sooooo happy to be done with it! huge weight off my shoulders. i didn't do terrifically well quant: 141 verbal: 160 but I feel good about my essays.


    I'm applying to anthropology programs so hopefully the low quant score doesn't hurt too bad.


    I found the ets powerprep software to be the most relevant and helpful. this morning before the test i did some last minute reviewing and I'm really glad I did. it helped to boost my confidence and reminded me of some vocab that I almost forgot. You can do this! Take lots of practice tests! So much can happen in 3 weeks!

  5. Re: books. The Warmth of Other Suns just blew me away.


    Thanks for pointing me to this thread, smg. I'm new here (thus the decaf?) and was viewing on my phone's browser and I didn't see this thread last time, but I knew there was something specific to anthropology on here because I replied!


    Meglet, glad to see someone else with a theater background!


    I think my story is a bit unusual and I'd love any feedback that you folks can offer. 


    I finished my undergrad in theater in 2008 and I've been working as a professional actor in NYC for the past 6 years. Last year I started creating a solo performance piece about victims of religious shunning and realized that I want to continue my research academically and I've always been drawn to anthropology so I decided to jump in this whole PhD process.


    I continued conducting research and interviewing people and now my interests include shunning practices in different parts of Africa and the social and cultural implications of excommunication, particularly focussing on the transition processes of people who have been shunned.


    I will be going to Africa (Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Senegal, Togo, Cape Verde, and Morocco) for 6 months to continue interviewing people and further expanding my research. I leave THIS TUESDAY OCT 28TH!  :o I'll submit my applications while I'm away and write about my travels in my SOPs.  


    I'm taking the GRE tomorrow. :unsure: I'm so nervous! I've been studying for the past 2.5 months. Got a math tutor because seriously...omg. But hey, my practice tests aren't terrible considering that I haven't been in school (high school + college) for a total of 17 years. Last practice test: Q:151. V:165. 


    I'm only applying to 2 schools: Stanford and Tulane. No POI has responded to me from Tulane (I've written 2), but I did get a curt but hopeful (made me feel good at least reply) from my Stanford POI.


    This is such a life change for me. I'll be 30 in February (celebrating in Cape Verde).


    So do you think this is a long shot? Any words of wisdom? I'm passionate enough about this research that I'll do it no matter if I'm accepted to a PhD program or not, but I would like the cred. Know what I mean?

  6. Anyone out there applying? I'm taking the GRE this Friday. Have you been able to find a minimum or average GRe requirement for the department?


    And even though this question is about the GRE, I'd love to hear from you if you are Stanford's PhD Anthropology program.

  7. I really feel you. I'm coming from a theater background. BA in theater 2008. I'm switching gears because I've always been interested in anthropology and I have a topic that I've been researching on my own for about a year now and I'd like to formalize my research. I certainly feel intimidated by so many people with undergrad degrees in related fields and different MA degrees.

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