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Posts posted by faithleee

  1. Hello everyone, 

    For those of you who come from a 3rd tier university for your undergraduate and manage to do well enough to get into one of the top if not much better universities for your masters in the country, do you often have fears that you are going to struggle in your new university? Fear of struggle because the calibre of students in that top university are probably much much better,  etc, and its going to be harder for you to get decent grades (thanks to bell curve? ) to maintain your masters scholarship / funding? 

    I have this dilemma when it comes to accepting my offer... anyone of you in the same shoes? 

  2. Hi everyone, 

    I am just wondering if anyone is in the same situation before and what would you do? 

    I have been admitted into University of Waterloo MMath program for Fall 2016. However it is a conditional offer. The thing is, I will only finish my bachelor's (from another Canadian University) in Spring. Namely, I would have finish my courses in Winter, but the Spring is just the second part of my thesis which I can finish it in 2 months if I dedicate to it full time. 

    Since it is a conditional offer, the UWaterloo expects me to send in by final transcript by July, but I would only get my final transcript in optimally 22nd August or so. I am just wondering if they give extension for such cases ? They say they may take back the offer if conditions aren't met which worries me. Anyone in the same situation before have any advice? I will talk to my university but just want to see if there are any people in the same situation as I am 


    Thank you. 



  3. I haven't heard  anything from the Canadian universities I applied to. Anyone waiting to get into Statistics/Biostatistics Masters in Canada? 

    I am an international undergrad doing Statistics Bsc in Canada ... 


    I applied to 

    Memorial Uni 




    So far I've only heard back from Memorial University and its starting to worry me ... 

    I dun know if acceptances for Canadian universities are only sent out in April or May. My friend who previously applied to masters in Canada (as in international student) told me it may take even up till June for them to send you an offer ... Is this true? 

    Is there any chance that if they can't offer you admissions into a thesis -based masters that they will consider you for a course-based masters? 


    Anyone in the same boat please fall in! 


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