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Everything posted by deedeepeepee

  1. Thank you. I didn't come across this number until I was deep into the online application manager. This sucks.
  2. I have not submitted my application to UF yet because I haven't been able to find any length requirement/limit on the admissions webpages. Am I missing something? Right now my statement is around 900 words, and I don't want to overshoot some word/page limit that I am not seeing. Thank you in advance.
  3. So, I am applying to English programs. One professor who has agreed to write me a letter of recommendation has asked me to send him a copy of my CV. I currently do not have a CV and have only written resumes in the past, and having only completed my B.A., I don't feel as though I have enough experience, published material, etc. to fill several pages. Has anyone else run into this problem? I know he will write a good recommendation regardless of how polished my CV is, and I shouldn't be stressing out like this over it, but I don't want it to look like I don't care or something. Also, while I will be including my published creative writing works on my CV, would it be advised to also include my music albums that have been released by record labels? Any perspective would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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