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Everything posted by jessiko

  1. As someone who attended a small university town for an MA program, I have to chime in and agree with those who say LOCATION MATTERS. Honestly, I was so fortunate that it was only an MA program and not a PhD. Where you live does matter. When you don't want to do research or do not feel like being absorbed in school work, but you want to go out and have fun - location plays a key role. I guess I like urban centers where you can experience cultural life like museums, the symphony orchestra, concerts, etc. rather than relying on what types of things come through campus every once in awhile. I would visit the smaller school, choice #1, if you have not already and really assess whether you could be happy living there. If not, don't bother being somewhere you'll hate. If you are miserable where you are, your best work won't come through. I am not sure about the experience of others, but every single graduate student I came across in my program (and those I met from various departments) have stated that they absolutely loathed the university. I would e-mail current graduate students (most schools have a list of students posted online). See what those students have to say and ask more than a couple of people to get a better idea of how people feel about their university life. Best of luck!
  2. Thanks for the insight! It's very odd, I haven't come across a single person applying for Alberta's program, nor is there anyone on the results page (even for previous years). The applications were due mid-January and all the application materials don't have to be in until later in March, so it might be April until anyone hears. Who knows? That's very strange about Toronto. In any case, I'm still waiting for them. I don't even know whether to be hopeful or not, but I suppose the only thing to do is wait! *crossing fingers*
  3. Hi! Has anyone applied for history departments at any Canadian universities? Just want to see who is in the same boat as I am! Does anyone have any insight into the University of Alberta or Toronto? Unfortunately, the results page shows nothing for the University of Alberta regarding history. (The University of Toronto is another story, making me nervous about my prospects since they've already notified some people.) Sorry, just writing this because I am getting so tired of waiting (like most of the people here!) So I thought I'd finally stop being a lurker and join in on the discussion. Just wanted to see in the meantime who has applied to Canadian schools!
  4. Following up as well, as an American, you can apply at the border. Just make sure to bring your acceptance letter, bank statements (showing that you can support yourself or funding package information). They will print one up for you right at the border, takes probably 10-20 minutes.
  5. Does nobody apply for the University of Alberta? No results on the result page for history... guess I'll just have to wait!

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