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    Political Science

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  1. I second Pesar's comments. From what I have been told by senior faculty, who received PhDs in the US, is that McGill is widely considered a great school in academia but my impression is that its public perception is a bit more dubious. UBC, McGill and possibly Toronto are the most recognizable schools internationally in Canada is my impression. York and Western are regional schools in Canada and I wouldn't expect their reach to be wide in the US. For Pesar's it depends on what "top-ranked" American programs you are comparing McGill to. What are your choices? Btw, my program is political science.
  2. Since this a predominantly American grad school forum, I thought I would get some American opinions on McGill University. I am going to be doing grad work at McGill and will most likely continue my studies in the US. Just wondering how it is viewed south of the (Canadian) border. Any and all responses are greatly appreciated. Thoughts?
  3. Has anyone heard anything yet? Nevermind, I'm in.
  4. Any news for MA students?
  5. wow at labelling Mearsheimer a neocon lol :shock: Neoconservatism isn't a monolith either; there are many shades in that camp as well.
  6. Has anyone heard anything from McGill yet?!....I was accepted to UBC ages ago; what's the deal with McGill? any info?
  7. Placement prospects for Canadian PhDs in the US are dismal, generally. Further, the American market is rather narrow and limited with regards to critical IR theory as it is. However, a York PhD will probably land you a good placement in Canada.
  8. York, UVic and Carleton are all considered to be very left-wing in my subfield (IR), with some minor exceptions. I am of course comparing these schools to their American counterparts.
  9. Canada does have some good poli sci departments such as Toronto, UBC, McGill and Queen's. Although, these have nothing on their top American counterparts. Sorry to make a generalization here but it seems if you are interested in York, you are most likely left-of-centre in political orientation and if so Carleton University in Ottawa might be of interest to you.
  10. Thanks for the replies. I am trying to decide between an MA in IR at Toronto and McGill Political Science. I have the intention of going on to do a doctorate in the United States and I have heard repeatedly that McGill would be a better spring board into the US than Toronto because of its closer connections to American academia. This question is not about job placement (per se), it's about having a better shot at Top 10 PhD programs in the United States.
  11. (bump) anyone?
  12. Hey everyone: I'm just wondering if anyone can comment on McGill itself and its Political Science department. Is this a well-respected school abroad, especially in the United States? Also, does anyone know when we will be notified of decisions. Thanks. Subfield: IR
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