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Posts posted by jacqlynn_pvlr

  1. Long story short, I've moved around the country a lot. Mainly for family issues, personal reasons, etc., and everytime I've moved I've still wanted to go to school. I've been in school for around 3 years now, I'm at 60 credit hours, been to three different schools (1 cc, 2 universities) and I am transferring again for school in my new city. I just have to wait until next August to start at that university due to in-state residency, and in the mean time I was thinking about taking languages classes at the local community college to get a head start, as my last school didn't require language courses but this one does for my major, and the university will accept all general courses from the local community college. If I did this that would put my number of transfers up to 4. But my main concern about all this transferring is how graduate programs will look at it. I'm more than confident that every other aspect of my application will be strong once I graduate, as I have a 3.4 GPA now and expect to have around a 3.65 when I graduate. I'm an anthropology major and plan to go to field school, do research, etc., which will boost my relationship with my professors and get me good letters of recommendation (I hope). I'm more than confident that I can pull everything else off. But I'm just so worried that graduate schools will look at all of my past colleges and think that I can't commit to anything since I've been to so many, which really isn't the case. Many times I've had to move for reasons outside of my control, and the fact that I've kept going to school in all of these places probably says more than if I were to just quit school altogether because of outside circumstances. It should be worth noting that I was at my last university for a solid two years, took 12-15 credit hours every semester, and made good relationships with the professors. And this new school I will be at until I graduate, so another solid two years, taking 12-15 credit hours, getting good grades, etc. It's just my first two schools that I left quickly from. Any thoughts on how the admission committee will view this? And also, if they view it negatively, would it be wiser to just skip the community college courses all together to keep my transfer number at least a little lower than it would have been? I've really been pulling my hair out agonizing over the possiblities, so if someone could please help me out, that would be great.
    Thanks :D

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