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Everything posted by nsfapplicant

  1. Yes, although I didn't get it. Not sure how much it hurt me, but they told me I would still be considered.
  2. What are people putting down for memberships/certifications? I really feel like I have nothing here...
  3. Same I was looking over my statements, and for some reason in pdf form, on pages with footnotes the bottom margins are slightly smaller. Just barely so such that the bottom part of a lowercase "y" will be inside the margin. I'll be surprised if they care.
  4. I and my friends have applied in the past without an issue. Some of us have pushed the limit on what 12-pt font is or what 1'' margins are. Not to mention the Latex crowd that doesn't use Times New Roman. I've never actually heard of anyone getting disqualified.
  5. i was just browsing around and came across this. I was surprised at how strict people are saying NSF is, so I went back and checked my documents. You think it's alright if I have things like a generic header/footer (for instance, page numbers) inside the margins? Also, for some weird formatting reason I think the margins on my last page of both of my statements is something like 0.97 inches, do you think NSF will care? I always imagined that it was some person looking at the document (like just the reviewer), so if it looked reasonable it was good enough. I haven't gotten any sort of disqualification email yet, so maybe I'm already OK?
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