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Posts posted by parab0l

  1. The grading policy at this school focuses mainly on staying at or above 3.0. There are no specific guidelines as to what grades constitute failing, the only thing that the handbook says is that it is up to the faculty's discretion. Grades are also on a 80% = B-, 83% = B scale, which I didn't take into account at first. I've just never had problems with grades and I've never failed anything so I didn't pay much attention.


    In my appeal I did not try to avoid blame for my GPA completely...I mainly blamed my personal problems. I did hint though that maybe I could have had more guidance. I felt like disclosing my problem may have hurt my relationship with the program more than staying quiet about it, and explained that it should not have been so. There is a certain stigma associated with this type of problem, you know? I feel like if I had a different type of disability I would be treated differently.


    The scholarship is departmental and they give you a period of like 2 quarters to bring up your grade, so I would still be eligible for it. I guess the bottom line is that without being given the chance to attend for one more quarter I can't prove that my personal problems (which I feel like are under control now) were to blame. I completely agree that I needed some time off to get things under control, but time off has its own problems because I relied on staying a student to pay for my rent and bills. Had I gotten bad grades right off the bat, I would probably not be pushing this appeal, but I proved early on that I can handle the material.


    Thanks for the advice.

  2. Thanks for the replies guys. I mainly asked this question to put my feelers out there and to see whether people have gone through similar situations. I may be biased but I think losing everything over a 2.98 is kind of harsh....I am pretty sure that people get admitted into PhD programs with a 2.98, even if just on probationary status. It's just so dang close to a 3.0!


    I had a pretty debilitating drinking problem that just kept getting worse and worse but I have been 3 months sober now and I am confident I can raise my grade especially if they let me retake a class (which is not unheard of and have never had to do in my life). Plus alcoholism is considered a disability now and I never received any help from disability services through extended deadlines and counseling. In short, I am pretty confident that if I actually go to disability services and that I stay sober and retake a class that I can get A's. One of my arguments in my appeal is that I was never accommodated for my disability (which is unlawful), but I don't directly blame my professors because they may never have had to deal with my situation and because maybe I should have known that I have a disability and taken more action.


    As far as funding - luckily I was awarded with a 50,000 dollar scholarship which essentially funds two years of my tuition even without doing any GRA/TA work. I have used up some of it but the remainder would cover the next year and I was told that the faculty would help me find something I can work on. I am sure that If I show improvement  I can find something within a year.


    Thanks again for the replies. It's good to hear people's opinions about small discrepancies in grades...I mean, that 2.98 could easily be a 3.02 and maybe it was a single assignment that made all the difference.

  3. I was dismissed from a PhD program for dropping to a 2.98. I only finished my first year there. I did OK in my Masters (finished with a 3.5), and I did OK in my first quarter in my PhD (A,, A-, B-, so I know I can meet the demands) but I had some personal/family problems and fell ill and simply couldn't do it towards the end of the year. The course that really dropped my grades was a Business School class (I'm in Psychology), so I don't feel like it should be held against me if I had trouble with MBA level material. I have since changed a lot in my life, am better now (health-wise) and the circumstances that plagued me the year I started my PhD are different. The program director strongly encouraged me to appeal, but I guess I cannot argue with the numbers. Any suggestions?

  4. I started a PhD in Research Methods and Statistics about a year ago. I did fine my first quarter (3.3), but got put on probation for the cum gpa of 2.98 i got my second quarter (which is just my luck, could have been a 3.02). The handbook states that a student gets 3 quarters to raise their gpa, but since I dropped to a 2.74 my third quarter, (my second quarter under 3.0), I've been having to appeal my dismissal. I was put on probation for a traffic violation about a month before i started the program, and had all kinds of personal issues in my life. I had a mental disability too that wasn't fully addressed (I could have gotten extended deadlines). All I'm asking for in my appeal is for another quarter and collaboration with the disabilities office. I believe I can do the work - I just had a rough last year. Is it unheard of to retake a class in a PhD program? If I replaced that one C i got with an A, i'd be back at 3.0. Are there legal avenues I can take in my appeal? I felt extremely uncomfortable in the lab and sometimes in class and felt like i was discriminated against even though I can't prove how I was being treated but certainly felt it. 

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