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Everything posted by keysmith

  1. I was denied a few minutes ago as well. Honestly, I feel relieved to know.
  2. Still no word. #Region 10
  3. It may not be in order..don't give up Trix.
  4. Yes Trix..letter of their last name?
  5. I was told that it make take time due to emails being sent individually. There's still hope!
  6. Iscain what region are you?
  7. Thanx SLPtobee, I have faith..mine is on the way!
  8. Congrats to everyone who are in!! Jeana i'm with you..today is going to be a long day for me too! For everyone that did get accepted, did the status change on the webadvisor? Did you receive the letter via mail or were you just informed via email?
  9. OMG reading all the comments just made my heart drop...I haven't heard anything yet. My last name starts with an S. #Region10
  10. lol Erack...stress will most def do that ..that's ok Porter-SLP
  11. The wait is killing me!!
  12. Any good news..my status is *awaiting dept review* #Region10
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