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Everything posted by SingingInTheColdRoom

  1. For those interested in Caltech Neurobiology, the Option Representative told me that they planned to send out invites sometime this week.
  2. I just sent an email to the "Option Representative" asking about it. It was kind of difficult to figure out who to talk to on their Contact page, but I'll let y'all know what I find out.
  3. No, I'm too scared haha. The application deadline was super late so idk.
  4. Yeah seriously, what's going on there? I haven't heard anything from them or seen anything on the results search.
  5. Does anybody know anything about Caltech Neurobiology? Did anyone else apply there?
  6. Interview invite from Weill Cornell! :D
  7. So now that this whole process is out of my hands, I'm starting to think about backup plans. I'd like to keep working in my current lab or if that's not possible, at another lab at my university. However, I feel like not getting into graduate school this time around may present an otherwise unavailable opportunity to do things that would not ordinarily be convenient for me. For example, I could get a job working in a lab overseas, or go to work in biotech for a little while or idk maybe even start a biotech company. Have y'all thought about what you would do if grad school doesn't work out this round? Do you guys know any people doing awesome stuff instead of grad school? I've noticed some of you mention that you work or have worked in industry, what is/was that like?
  8. I had the same exact experience (and the same exact score) with the Biochemistry subject test. I felt like I left an insane number of questions blank, but I guess I wasn't alone!
  9. I did exactly the same thing. I've been kind of ashamed so I haven't posted a stats thing haha.
  10. My parents moved to Iowa City after I went to college. It's a really great town. Congrats!
  11. I absolutely love it. Ours is three semesters (starts Senior Spring), and for the first year you spend 100% of your time in lab. During the last semester you write and defend your thesis while taking graduate Neuroscience classes at the med school. Basically, I just nerd out all over the place and they're like, "Here's a degree." I don't really know what kind of an influence that has on grad school admissions, but it has been a profoundly fulfilling experience. Also I haven't taken a real class since 2013, which feels really, really good.
  12. I'm in the Master's portion of my combined Neuroscience BA/MS, and I'm applying to Neuroscience PhD programs along with you wonderful people. My school's MS in Neuroscience is basically all research, so I spend much of my day waiting for things to run. I used to spend that time reading or, more recently, working on applications, however yesterday I discovered this thread. Now all I do is wait for y'all to post, hoping that your insight with respect to the ongoing drama of this shared experience will somehow help to abate my crushing anxiety. I think it's helping. Please post more.
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