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    2015 Fall
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  1. Bettyg, Athabasca is a great way of boosting your GPA. I completed my undergrad many years ago and have been taking Athabasca courses intermittently throughout my career, they have all been included in the GPA calculation. You have to make sure that the courses you take are not Introductory level, other wise, they will be included. Depending on your GPA and the University you are applying to, it may take a while to increase your average, but Athabasca is a great way of doing it. Doing an online BSW is another option, although this would take more time. Good luck!
  2. Got my acceptance to Laurier! Hang in there everyone!
  3. Purplegrey, I wouldn't jump to conclusions right away. Give them time to respond. They have over 100 people to contact (90 positions plus 40 waitlist). This may take more than one day.
  4. I am sorry AENMSW, I have no idea what Windsor is like. Good luck!
  5. Rachelmsw, The Submission Summary Form is what popped up when you submitted your application and paid your fees. You were supposed to save / print that to include with your application. I am not sure if you still have access to it. I don't mean to alarm you, but you may need to contact the admissions office ASAP to get a copy. I hope you find it!
  6. Hi AENMSW, Laurier won't send you an e-mail confirmation until AFTER the deadline of January 15. Cheers,
  7. Bettyg, I think that's a great question. You should e-mail the social work admissions office for the best response. It may take a few days due to high volume of traffic, but they will respond. Good luck!
  8. Hello purplegrey, I applied to Laurier (2-year). What do you mean about the demographic when it comes to getting accepted into Laurier? Just curious. I don't have a lot of experience applying to Graduate Programs and I'd love to know what "demographic" gets in. Thank you.
  9. Hello LP3, I applied to the 2 Year MSW at Laurier and you can not monitor the progress of your application online. LORIS will show you the progress of your reference letters and nothing else. The university is supposed to send out an e-mail confirmation of reception of your application within two weeks of the application deadline. After that, you are stuck waiting for the final results via e-mail / letter. I am in this boat right now. Hope this helps.
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