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Posts posted by Matilda_Tone

  1. I've taken a year off- working (not quite full time) and (I must admit) having a lot of fun playing music. I do feel like my brain has become a bit sluggish, and I am worried the first few essays will be rough.

    Plus, I'm going to spend the summer in Ireland (having fun and not working)- and I fear that coming back to school will feel less fun than that. I want to give myself a break and recharge, but I hope it doesn't backfire.

  2. I think I am still in a bit of shock- in my case, the life changes won't be huge (I'll be moving, but just to a different part of the city)- but the fact that a) I got in and b ) now I am REALLY going to do this programme hasn't really sunk in. It has been over a month now, but it feels a bit like I imagined the whole thing...and in the moments when it does seem real, the doubt and fear crops up (what if I'm the worst student in my year? what if I can't do it? etc.)

  3. Another Canadian checking in!

    I went to UofT for undergrad, and Queen's for my MA- now I'm headed back to UofT in the fall.

    I have friends that were very happy at McMaster- though, as far as I know, it isn't too highly ranked in my area (history). I tend to see it as more of a medical/science university.

  4. I was recently there for a conference and it didn’t seem any different than any other Canadian city in this regard. (I met many lovely, welcoming people and had a great time).

    Yeah, Alberta is a Conservative stronghold- but (maybe I am naive) cities tend to be large and diverse enough to provide a safe environment for anyone. You’ll probably find a ton of economically conservative big-business capitalist types in Calgary...but that doesn’t always mean a place is socially conservative.

    Having visited, I would feel comfortable moving there for school (and I am willing to bet that the university campus isn’t much different than others, politically). That said, I am not a minority and someone who is may have a different perspective on this.

  5. Hey all,

    First of all thanks to all of you for contributing your knowledge, it´s very much appreciated! Just wanted to know if anyone has any info on PhD History at York, Toronto or U de Montreal? Haven´t heard a thing and, like most of us, I´m getting scared.



    II don't know anything about the other two, but UofT send out its first round of PhD acceptances in mid-February. I'm also told that they could only take 15 people this year (they usually take a bit over twenty). I don't know if or when there will be a second round. It also seems that they sent out a batch of MA acceptances early last week.

    But you never know- there could be an unofficial waitlist. Best of luck!

  6. On UofT:

    My status was updated on the website about three weeks after I got in (but all it says is "decision made"- no way of telling if that is a good or bad decision). So it seems that they don't get around to changing the website until well after the email/snail mail notices go out.

    As I may have mentioned, the reply date for PhDs is March 25th- so there might be a few more acceptances after that if some spaces open up. Fingers crossed!

  7. I can't really say that life is too terrible right now, but there are a few things I will be happy to leave behind...

    1. Some of the co-workers at my current job. Perhaps the worst thing about life right now. If I never see them again, that will be too soon.

    2. The daily commute...after six years of taking the bloody subway, I can't WAIT to live downtown.

    But, that said, I will miss some aspects of my job- especially the kids that always make my day fun. Leaving them is going to suck. Big time.

  8. There are more of us! I'm going- PhD in History.

    I did my undergrad there too- if any new admits have any questions about UofT or the city, feel free to send me a message :)

  9. I only applied to two- the University of Toronto, and a small Canadian school I am pretty sure most Americans haven’t heard of.

    Got into both with funding and, obviously, picked Toronto. My top choice with my ultimate POI.

    Very happy!

    Writing the applications and waiting to hear back wasn’t the most fun I’ve had- but I must say, only applying to two schools meant that the process that stressful. Glad to move on, though.

  10. I was on break at work- as soon as I got off, I checked my email on the computer in the staff room and there was nothing. So I started my lunch and joked with some of my coworkers about how checking my email every ten minutes wasn’t going to make the notifications come any faster. Then, ten minutes later, I went back to the computer to check my email again (joking about how I was developing OCD) and within seconds saw a new email titled “PhD Acceptance.”

    Then I screamed, jumped up and down, and started pacing across the room. My coworkers were amused.

    I think this goes to show that checking your email every ten minutes CAN make a difference ;)

  11. Not to be depressing, but a friend of mine last year was accepted into a PhD program while finishing up his MA- then, when the final MA marks were given out, he was contacted by the PhD programme and told that he was no longer qualified due to the one B he received on his MA transcript.

    But, on the brighter side, I think that the other posters are right- this is different in various universities and disciplines. I can only speak for this particular humanities programme at one Canadian university.

    (On the much brighter side, I have heard that at most high ranking British universities, marks in the low 70s (i.e. a B- in most Canadian schools) is considered a fantastic mark)

  12. Just a heads up for University of Toronto applicants -- one of my professors who is on the admissions committee says that they will make decisions by Thursday. Not sure if that means applicants would be notified this week or not though, but I'd imagine notifications follow soon after.

    I know they have already done one round for PhDs and the reply by date for that is March 25th- not sure about MAs though (what did you apply for, if I may ask). I was actually dropping something off at the office today and was told that the ad com was having a meeting- hopefully this means more decisions are on the way!

  13. You should be more than fine with that amount- $800-$1000 is in the higher range for an apartment around here- I know a lot of people in the University of Toronto area who have decent places in the $500-$700 range (as long as you are willing to have a roommate or two).

    Personally, I love Toronto- there is always something to do, tons of restaurants and shops, you can get around without a car, it is generally considered safer than a lot of other cities. I definitely think it is the best place to be in Canada (but I know canucks outside of T.O. might take issue with that statement ;) )

  14. I am 95% sure that the poster in this thread is referring to another poster ("Matilda_tone") who got admitted into UofT.

    I saw myself mentioned and I had to go back and see what caused the confusion. I'm Matilda and I am not a Women's Studies Programme :)

    I'm waiting on U of T and York.

    ::bites nails::

    Matilda's acceptance was over a week ago and I've heard nothing. EEK!

    Word has it that first round acceptances at UofT did go out last week (for PhDs, but not MAs)- but if past results on this site are anything to go by, it seems that they do second round in mid-March. Fingers crossed!

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