d e o
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Everything posted by d e o
Pratt is not good for photo. It's great for just about everything else, but NOT photo. I visited in the fall and had a tour, and when we got to the photo facilities I was told that all the resources were for undergrads. The room for MFA photo was sad, too: just a small room with a table in the middle. You do get your own darkroom if you want, but for how much tuition is, you're not getting your money's worth at all. I asked if they had any flash kits to check out and the answer I got was "Maybe one? People usually have their own stuff at this point in their careers." Yeah, I don't have $13000 worth of lighting equipment. I also spoke with one of the current photo grads and she told me to go somewhere else for photo. She looked really unhappy. They offered me 15k in scholarships, but it's not nearly enough. If you have to take out loans for school, I say hold off and apply again next year. Going into debt for an MFA is seriously not worth it, and you can spend the next year finding schools with better funding to apply to.
I did, and we're having a difficult time getting our schedules to coincide, since I'll be on the road Sunday and Monday.
Does anyone know about funding at MICA? Do they offer nice scholarships/fellowships/whatever, or are they just a drop in the bucket for the rest of the tuition costs?
I also responded quickly, and no word from them. Which makes me a tad nervous because I asked to skype with them early tomorrow afternoon...
I personally met someone who was in that program and transferred out. She hated it that much she started her MFA all over again. Wait a year and apply again, and hold out for a program you like. It's not worth going into debt, and it's not worth being miserable at an institution you don't care for.
Yay! Congrats! I was accepted for MFA Photography, also by email.
Accepted to Columbia College Chicago, with a full ride!
........ Well now I know why I haven't heard from them at all. This must be why.
Yo! Will I be seeing any of you in New Orleans next week for SPE?
I can't even get into my applicant portal. It keeps saying my password is incorrect, but when I choose to have them email me a password reset, I don't get an email. But I submitted the application and I have a confirmation number. The stress.
JUST finished my Syracuse interview. It was the standard interview, asked questions about my work and what artists I am influenced by. There aren't any curve balls or anything, so you should be fine.
Wait listed at Ohio State University. Not a rejection, but still a little bummed. I love the program and people. I can only pray that someone gives up their spot!
We never connected. I emailed after waiting two hours, and they claimed they tried contacting me but I got nothing. We rescheduled for tomorrow.
Not a peep. I'm not sure if they do interviews for the photo program. I know they do interviews for Mt. Royal, but other than that I have no idea what's up.
Congrats! Who is in Boston for the MassArt interview? Other than maidenvoyage and I? We could all meet up and get dinner or something!
I requested Sunday afternoon
Emailed by Syracuse for a Skype interview.
Congratulations to you, that's wonderul. Did they notify you by email?
I heard from Pratt. I have a Skype interview next week for photo.
Awesome! Congrats! What date did you turn your application in on?
Which disciplines did you apply to?
I'm just hoping they're getting back to painting and sculpture tonight and maybe other disciplines later this week. Hoping hoping hoping!
I totally forgot to ask about a tour. That's a really weird answer they gave you though? Mine is 1-1:30PM. If we could meet sometime that day, that would be really nice! And thank you, wickedkitty!
I'm getting pretty excited about the interview. I wonder if it will be like a crit, since we have to bring prints? What time is your interview, maidenvoyage?