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Everything posted by Anna12

  1. I went to SAIC in Visual Communications for my BFA, and knew a lot of the MFA students. I have to say that the faculty and the studios there are amazing. The classes are small, and the MFA teachers are top notch. My favorite teacher was Stephen Farrell, and if you look into his work, you'll be blown away. SAIC I think is also quite conceptual, so they're not into it if you're just making pretty layouts, they really pushed us even as BFA students to do research and really have a leg to stand on when explaining your work. A lot of the MFA students work that I saw there was excellent in terms of type and design, with a bit of experimental experiences added to them. Honestly, if you work hard, you'll come out with an amazing portfolio. For BFA, I came out with a highly competitive portfolio and was able to find a job pretty quickly. I know I'm biased, but seriously I loved being there. It was the best choice I made.
  2. So. Contrary to my feeling that I got into 0 of my schools, I happened to make it into two. I know SVA is more established with their Design MFA, but the Parsons D&T program does intrigue me. I have 0 background in coding, and I have a feeling that the design industry will start to become more and more digitalized. What do you guys think? Also, mainly I'm concerned about jobs after I graduate. Which program do you think will make me the most competitive candidate? My BFA was in Visual Communications, so it was very print and old school graphic design based.
  3. I still haven't heard back from Parsons, SVA, or RISD regarding their MFA design program. Should I call it rejection all around now?
  4. Thanks FAR for making me feel better. I wasn't expecting myself to freaking out like this. Good luck to you in applying again. I saw some of your work and thought they were spectacular! I'm just imagining the worst case scenario and wondering how the fuck I'm going to deal.
  5. I know, but I'm just imagining the scenario of having to ask my rec writers to ONCE AGAIN recommend me. Like I'm not super torn up that I got rejected from Yale, but the thought of getting rejected from all 4 makes me feel super ill.
  6. Congrats! Do anyone of the accepted people mind posting their portfolios? Mainly cause I'm curious to see what I can learn from you guys! (^Do people get offended when asked?)
  7. Does anyone know the rate people get into these schools? SVA MFA Graphic Design Parsons Design and Technology RISD MFA Graphic Design I got flat out rejected from Yale and now am FREAKING out. What exactly should one do when they get rejected from all schools? How the hell do I explain this to my recommendation writers?
  8. So...I noticed looking back at my applications that one of my titles for my project was the abbreviation, and not the full title. How does that impact how faculty views your work? I should've been more thorough, unfortunately I was too preoccupied with sequencing than with titles T.T
  9. Thank you! I hope you do too! I went to SAIC and loved it for BFA, so I hope you get in there, too!
  10. No, but the school that was the pinnacle for me. I can deal with getting rejected, but not being apple to even apply would be the worst. All other schools portfolios are derivative of the one i prepared specifically for Yale.
  11. Omg thank you heavens. I spent the entire night crying. They owe me.
  12. I did, too. I am freaking out. I was uploading thinking it was 1 day early when...POOF. I'm not sure what to do now. In shock. Spent 1 year prepping for Yale. Now nothing.
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