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Posts posted by billyzy

  1. I'm a current SAIS MA who took micro and macro last year during preterm, just thought I'd give my two cents.

    I had done intermediate micro prior, but not macro and therefore found doing both pretty manageable. However, quite a few people who tried to take both without much econ ended up dropping macro within the first week or so - without a good background in econ it would be a significant amount of work, and will certainly prevent you from having as good a time during pre-term as others. In hindsight, given my prior experience, I would've waived out of micro and just taken macro.

    If you're on the fence as to whether to attend the pre-term or just take the classes during the semester, I highly recommend attending. It's a great month. You meet lots of people, there are lots of social events and there's a really great vibe. I had the impression that those who started in September missed out somewhat, particularly as all the pre-term folk had already spent a month with each other.

    I don't know who's teaching Macro, but I think the Micro teacher is the same as last year. If it is, he is fantastic - just won the SAIS teacher of the year award.

    Happy to answer any questions.

    Hey guys,

    I have decided to join SAIS D.C and you guys in the coming two or more years! Very excited and meanwhile nervous. Also, I will attend pre-term for Micro.

    Thanks for setting up the facebook group (sent request already) and for sharing the information here.

    Yao from China

  2. Ok I was admitted to SAIS but am really struggling with my decision. I am not entirely sure why I got in (only two econ courses, not very impressive GRE quant score, no future career focus in economics or financial analysis). Is there anyone on this thread that is choosing SAIS who wants to go into human rights policy/law, development, human security?? I think I might fit better at Fletcher (also in at Maxwell and Ford School), but DC is a good place to be and my husband has a great job offer there. I know I wouldn't be settling for SAIS, but I am just not sure about the strict program requirements. I still think I need time to explore different classes and areas of interest. Instead, SAIS seems to tie me into a course load that offers little flexibility. Is SAIS worth it, even if I feel I fet a bit better in other programs? Will I even survive the econ?

    Hi! My concern is exactly the same. I don't know if the quant courses are way too heavy and strict. Do I really want to drag myself into heavy course load? I would really appreciate anyone's idea on this. I am going to visit SAIS later this month - hope it will be helpful for my decision making.

  3. I am in the same boat as I am 23 and have limited professional experience. The concerns that prevent me from making up the decision to go to SAIS is the absence of an actual campus and seriousness/business-minded people (well, maybe a professional program is expected people to be so.). Apart from that, SAIS really enjoys the best location and has good focus on quant.

    Would appreciate any ideas on this.

    Candidate from China.

    Hi all,

    This year I received admission to both SAIS and the Maxwell School at Syracuse University. (Although I am also looking at other places, I think that restricting things might be helpful.) In looking at these threads, I was found a relative dearth of comments about student life at these schools. Funding will be relatively equal at both of these places for me, so I'm hoping that respondents can tell me a little more about the student life at SAIS and Maxwell.

    My first impression (which could very well be wrong) is that while Maxwell, through it's website and admissions staff, tries to evoke a "friendlier, fuzzier" atmosphere, SAIS seems to be the more serious of the two. Do people think that both schools offer a relatively good school-extracurricular balance? Or do things tend to revolve around school?

    Also, do any current/former students have opinions about Maxwell being integrated into the broader campus, while SAIS is on its own?

    Lastly, I am 23 right now. Maxwell seems to have quite a few young people, however SAIS' average age is 26-27 with substantial work experience. I realize that a good portion of SAIS' class is young, it seems to be skewed older. Do students find this advantageous, disadvantageous, or simply not matter much?

    I'm overseas right now, so I won't be able to visit these schools before the deadline, so any advice would be really helpful!!


  4. No; he said he was just calling to say hi and to congratulate me, answer any questions I had and to encourage me to visit the school and attend SAIS in the fall. I think he was heading out of the office, b/c of the 6 hour time difference. It was a nice chat and I really appreciated the call.

    The quantitative is so heavy at SAIS!

  5. Hi everyone,

    So I think I have finally narrowed my choices to SAIS or Elliott. I am torn as to which is the best option...

    I applied to IDEV at SAIS and was not admitted, so like others I need to choose a different concentration. I also received no funding :(

    As for Elliott, I will be able to focus on international development and got a $25k fellowship (over 2 years).

    I know that SAIS is the better of the two schools, but how much of a disadvantage would I have if I choose Elliott. My passion is development and not getting into that program at SAIS is a real draw-back for me at the moment. Also, I am very worried about money...Elliott would be much, much cheaper. Still waiting on Pickering, but I am not holding my breath on that one.

    I have also been considering Humphrey, especially for the fact that I was accepted to their MDP (being rejected by SIPA) and because, I will receive in-state tuition. However, the location and lower rankings are holding me back from being too excited, even though I love the program's components. Still waiting for funding decisions from Evans and GSPIA, but unless it is out of this world, I don't see myself choosing one of those programs out of the others. Already saying no to Ford because of the lack of funding.

    Any advice or thoughts are appreciated!

    Your situation is better than mine. I am deciding between CIPA and SAIS (not in IDV and no money).

  6. Hi there,

    I am considering going to SAIS Bologna (still deciding between GSPP, Fletcher and possibly GT depending on funding). A lot of thoughts going on in my head in terms of comparing different aspects such as tuition (SAIS Bologna is definitely the more expensive option), quality of program, but also simple personal factors such as - am I ready to move - again, sell all my stuff and leave everyone behind - again? I have moved countries a couple times and find that the older I get the less ambitious I am to do the whole ‘abroad adventure’ again. I do like the idea of Bologna for one year (as I would be somewhat closer to home) and being part of the SAIS experience (as so many rave about it), but the associated costs of moving there and possibly not having a TA/research position or any sort of job due to its rigorous curriculum should not be neglected. Plus, the Italian visa regulations for spouses/significant others are rather unfavorable, which makes it an even harder decision for someone who would bring along their partner. Is the idea of living in Italy exciting? YES! Is it something that makes the most sense financially, academically and personally - NOT SO SURE! Would love to hear your insight.

    Who else is considering SAIS Bologna (vs which other programs) and what are your thoughts?

    I am having a hard time deciding between CIPA and SAIS DC. Any thoughts? I didn't get SAIS Bologna. If I did, I probably would go.

  7. Although MSFS is a great program, they suck at keeping you posted, esp. the notification of acceptance/rejection. I remember last year they emailed those who accepted but let those rejected waited for the snail mail. How awful was that? Hope they won't do this again this year. So I am taking no news is bad news. :-(

  8. I'm not familiar with the CIPA program - but for some reason I'm under the impression that it's a more academic and less "professionally-oriented". I have no idea if this is accurate or not, so don't take my word for it.

    I did consider applying for an MBA at Cornell, but then I looked up Ithaca and decided that it seemed 1) really cold 2) quite remote (compared to a program in DC/NYC/etc). That was enough to convince me not to apply. Have you visited both programs?

    Having said all this, it might come down to how much money CIPA is offering you. But if at all possible, don't commit with at least visiting first. You need to see it firsthand before you decide to spend 2 years of your life there.

    Thank you! I am from China but will be attending a conference at Stanford in April. I agree with you so I would take this chance to visit the campus before making the decision. Ithaca is really remote and cold, beautiful though. Which program are you gonna take?

    Appreciate your ideas. thanks.

  9. I am in the dilemma. Need some advices from you guys.

    Here it is:

    CIPA Cornell and SAIS JHU

    Both are great programs. Here's the pro-and-con.

    CIPA: Ivy league school, some funding, very flexible courses selection

    but the location...

    SAIS: top program among similar programs, D.C,

    but no campus with limited selection of other courses.

    I am interested doing international development work with NGOs or working in a think tank in the future - maybe in Singapore (doesn't have to be in U.S )

    Any more opinions? Anyone in the same kind of dilemma? For now I am thinking of taking CIPA...

  10. Yes so Happy :)

    I got into American University as well, Masters in International Economics, but nothing tops Hopkins and Fletcher happiness :D Congrats Sarah to You too !

    got in as a Chinese applicant. no mention of funding.

    What is so special about IDV concentration?

    Congrats all who got in.

  11. Got my admission packet in the mail yesterday and, as expected, no funding (guess I'm not in the top-20% of accepted students... no surprise there).

    Leaning very heavily toward GTown right now for a variety of reasons, but am I alone in including as one of those reasons being a part of a larger student/university environment (with a campus, facilities, clubs/intramurals, etc)? I'm not expecting an undergrad-esque experience, nor do I want one, but those resources seem to sweeten the deal and set GTown apart from SAIS which is just basically 3 office buildings. Is anyone else taking those "student life" factors into consideration?

    hi thombo, congrats!

    just want to know is there an email before the mail package? thank you

  12. MSFS Email just arrived! I'm in there, which comes as a surprise considering how incredibly competitive it is. Needless to say, I'm happy and releived to have a) gotten in and B) be done waiting (now I just have some decisions to make).

    super super super Congratulations!!!!!!! Still waiting.

    Notified by email???

  13. The strange thing is that my status online is still INCOMPLETE. I sent them email and they said "Unless you have received an email from this address stating that your application is incomplete and we are missing documents, then you may assume that your application is still processing, and will be marked "complete" soon."

    I am kind of worried about this. Does anyone have the same problem??

  14. Thanks for the info. I'm waiting on DC campus, though left option open for Bologna. Sounds like I'll finely start hearing from places next week. Thus far I've heard from 0 of 4.

    same here. It seems that I will begin hearing from places I applied next week. So far, none. The waiting is killing me. SAIS is my best shot, I don't think I can get it though.

    Good luck to you!

  15. I just got an admission letter from NYU for an MA in International Relations in the Dept. of Poltiics (Grad. School of Arts & Sciences). I actually don't know a lot about the program and wanted to reach out to the board for your thoughts.

    I haven't seen a lot of discussion about the program on here, but that said, does anyone know anything about the MA or about the Dept. of Politics in general? Good reputation? Since this MA isn't professionally oriented like SAIS, SIPA, SIS, etc., does it make financial sense if I'm not going to continue on to Ph.D.? The course selections sound interesteing, but will employers care about this thing? Is it just a cash cow for NYU? Thanks.


    I applied the same program, but haven't heard about anything yet. How did you find out the decision?

  16. I agree. From last year post, I do not think any RSEA applicant receive phone interview.

    Desperately waiting for decisions here...

    Well, pray for all of us for Feb 15th.....

    Hi,, are you sure the result will come out around that time? are there any pre signs that indicate you are likely to be admitted?.... so anxious now although i think there's slim chance for me. pray for everyone.

  17. Same here~~~~I looked up the last year admission. It seems like RSEA will send their decisions around Feb 15th. Well...I can not wait,just let me know the decision....

    same here too. I don't think I have the chance to be admitted to Harvard RSEA Chinese Studies, but still feel anxious about the result.

    wish you all best luck.

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