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    2015 Fall
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  1. I applied to the behavioral neuroscience and psychopharmacology track as well. It's kind of my safety school, I just graduated from there for undergrad. But I haven't actually talked to anyone in the department as far as research goes. But I know Dr. Lorch from my psych minor there, he's the psych department chair. What about you?
  2. What programs did you apply to at kentucky and tennessee? I just finished undergrad at UK and have applied there as well, in addition to UTHSC in Memphis
  3. I have not heard back from USC yet, but judging from the results page, they historically send out invitation in mid-late january.
  4. Thanks for the info. Yeah I've seen on the results page that a lot of interviews were sent out in December. But I also saw that a couple were sent out last week, and their final deadline isn't until the fifteenth, so I'm still hopeful. But I submitted my application on November 3 so I just don't know what to think
  5. Undergrad Institution: Large Research Oriented State School Major(s): BS Agricultural Biotechnology Minor(s): Biological Sciences and Psychology GPA in Major: ~3.0 Overall GPA: 3.21 Position in Class: Not sure, probably top 30% Type of Student: Domestic Male GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q:165 V:165 W:4.0 Research Experience: Undergrad – 1.5 years molecular genetics. Completed an independent project on the effects of heat shock on polyadenylation in plants, synthesized and sequenced cDNA and analyzed sequencing data. Presented results at symposium, as well as drafted a written report (unpublished) Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean’s List last semester (and hardest semester), graduated in honors program Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Just my paid research position, undergraduate research assistant Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Was severely injured my junior year. Was struck in the face with a rock which left me with a microhyphema in my left eye, blinded me in that eye for over a month, completely concaved my left frontal sinus cavity, and caused multiple orbital fractures. I had to move home with my parents to recuperate after my very serious surgery to repair all the fractures and my vision in my left eye was not fully healed for 6 months. I had to drop out of most of my courses that semester, but some professors let me do work at home and submit online. Others I took an incomplete in and finished over the summer, while others I had to take a medical withdrawal and retake. Despite my vision impairment, I went ahead and scheduled for courses the next semester, fall of my senior year, and had to take 18+ hours my final two semesters to graduate on time, which I somehow did. I finished with my best academic semester (3.8 GPA) while taking population genetics, molecular genetics, cell bio, the brain and behavior (psych), and completing/presenting my independent research project (required for my major). I discussed this extensively in my SOP, as the time I spent at home really let me think about my future and that’s when I decided to get my s**t together, take school more seriously, and when I decided to not apply for pharmacy school, but instead go the neuroscience rout. Special Bonus Points: Graduating on time despite my injury, and finishing with a 3.8 in my last and most difficult semester. Applying to Where: Vanderbilt – IGP Emory – neuroscience Kentucky – Behavioral Neuroscience and Psychopharmacology Louisville – Translational neuroscience UTHSC – IBSP/neuroscience track Purdue – PULSE VCU – Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Program / neuroscience WVU – IGP Baylor COM – neuroscience or human and molecular genetics NYU – Neuroscience Albert Einstein – grad program in Biomedical Sciences CUNY – Psychology PhD (Behavioral Neuroscience) SUNY Downstate – Dept of Neural and Behavioral Science USC - Neuroscience ASU – Neuroscience City of Hope – Irell and Manella Biomedical Sciences / neuroscience UAB - Neuroscience Got denied at Purdue pretty early, almost missed the deadline and was forced to use a longer POS than requested that I had written for another program. I changed the necessities obviously but could not write a SOP specifically for their program and it was way too long for their requirements so that most likely did me in. Also just found out I was denied for an interview at emory, but I kind of expected that. At Baylor, my application has been passed from neuroscience to molecular and human genetics (my second choice program), so we’ll see how that goes. I’ve been invited for an interview at WVU on Jan 21-23 and at VCU on Feb 5-7. Haven’t heard from anyone else. I’m really wondering what my chances are at Vandy. I am from Kentuycky and just 45 minutes from Nashville. I was admitted to Vandy for undergrad and was offered the Cornelius Vanderbilt scholarship, but turned it down to go to UK, because I am an idiot and have bled blue since the womb. By far the worst decision of my life. Anyway, I am dying to make up for that mistake and get down to Nashville/Vandy. I talked about how much I have regretted turning down the CV scholarship in my SOP, hopefully it will make a difference. Thoughts?
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