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Everything posted by snowswirl

  1. Hey, anyone going to Hopkins? I just got off the waitlist yesterday, which was unexpected. And now I am finding myself suddednly having to make this big decision between England (the London School of Economics&Oxford) and the USA (Hopkins), which are two different systems and different lives. But both are great fits. So I was wondering if anyone had any input at all with regards to academics, lifestyle etc. I have never been to Baltimore and I am feeling a little like I have to make a blind decision very quickly. Mwaaaah
  2. I just got my rejection from Columbia...that's right...it took them 4 months!
  3. did the columbia rejections come by email? my status on the gsas website STILL has not changed.....
  4. Nope, haven't heard either! I am starting to feel like members of the Columbia admissions committee probably check this forum every day cackling to themselves in the face of our suspense and agony...alternatively I may just be losing it at this point...
  5. Well, I guess what would be the fun of being Columbia if not to mess with people's heads!
  6. Ok, I am honestly getting annoyed with Columbia now! Are they doing rejections in batches or something? When I log in it sill just says 'application submitted'. And I am fully aware that those accepted have been informed and that I am probably out but whyyyyyyhyhyhyyyy won't they just tell me that??? Ok, whiny rant over!
  7. On that note actually, if one were to write to ask about one's application status whom would one email? The Graduate Studies Director? Another administrative person?
  8. Yeah, I am in exactly the same boat. It probably only means that their system is slow and whatever and that we will get our rejections soon enough but, annoyingly, it leaves this vague glimmer of hope. Oh life!
  9. I second that question!
  10. Columbia interview? Columbia interview? Columbia Interview? Who? When? What? Pretty please!
  11. Heya Congratulations to everyone who can celebrate their acceptances. That's great! I have a little question on waitlisting. I found out today that I was waitlisted by one of my top choice schools and I was just wondering whether anyone has any experience with this. Do waitlisted students generally have a decent shot at getting in? Or is it more of a 'hey we want you to know we liked you but unfortunately not enough move" that usually doesn't lead anywhere. On the one hand I am glad not to have been rejected directly but on the other hand I also don't want to hold out too much hope only to be sad later. So does anyone have any experience with this?
  12. Waait Columbia actually does interviews? I wasn't aware of that at all. I guess I might have a "Hey-no-PhD-for-you-but-wouldn't-you-like-to-pay-an-absurd-amount-of-dollars-for-our-Masters-program-email" coming my way
  13. I just got an interview for Hopkins. I had already moved on mentally, so it was a really nice surprise! Who on earth sends out interview invitations in the middle of the night on a Sunday? Crazy anthropologists, that's who!
  14. Congratulations oceanus! And thanks for the info! At least knowing that I have been rejected is preferable to active agonizing! I do hope your interview goes well
  15. So, I saw there is a Hopkins interview on the results page. I guess it's safe to assume that if you didn't get an interview invitation you are probably not on the shortlist...
  16. This process is going to be the death of me. Whatever Foucault said about diffuse, anonymous power is exemplified by this feeling of sending one's best intellectual efforts into an institutional void! On a slightly saner note, does anyone know what Columbia's deal is? Do they interview? Or do they just not communicate with you till the very end when they kindly decide to reject you through an online portal?
  17. I got the same email, so I am assuming it did indeed go out to everyone. However, I did get another rather random email from them at the beginning of this month asking for a mini summary of my research interests in addition to the SOP. I was always pretty confused as to the purpose of that. Did anyone else get that email as well?
  18. Hey everyone, I am new here. I was wondering, did anyone else apply to the anthropology department at Johns Hopkins? And do you know what their decision timeline tends to be? Thanks
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