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  1. There are two professors at my school that received all of their degrees from the same school and they are both tenured track. From the people I have talked to they recommend going somewhere else but if you have a great offer from the same school you got your undergrad degree or you didn't accepted anywhere else beside that school it's okay to go there. It is more about the research you do there than the actual name on your degree sheet.
  2. When I e-mailed her early last fall she told me to apply which is why I did. She was upfront with me about her coming back from her sabbatical and her being unsure about the financial issues but she told me to apply anyways. I knew it was a long shot.
  3. I applied to work with Tice. Her still being in California gives me a little hope...
  4. I was thinking of e-mailing her and finding out where I am on the list. And I agree, she is very gracious!
  5. Yes. I e-mailed the secretary earlier this week. She said they had already completed interviews and the rest of us would be receiving letters around March 8th
  6. I'm really tired of not hearing from places. Its getting ridiculous! Applied: 12 Interviewed: 1 Wait listed: 1 Rejected: 1 Accepted: 1 (informally)
  7. One of the grad students here at OSU told me that he has been on Kansas' wait list twice and not to hold my breath because they do give out so many offers and so few deny them. Oh well.
  8. Yep. The letter says "At present, we have offered admission to ten applicants, anticipating that some will turn us down in favor of other schools or changed life plans". I was really impressed at how detailed and personal it was. It is good to know the figures of what they admission than just being told a "yes", "no", or "wait listed".
  9. I've been waitlisted at University of Kansas. They said they wanted a class of 3-4. They sent out 10 offers of admission and then created an alternate list. Letter dated 2/12/10
  10. Nope. I see you've heard from Texas and I still haven't heard from them either.
  11. I hope not. I haven't heard anything from them either.
  12. The Graduate secretary at Tennessee said that the faculty are still reviewing applications and that there will be no formal interview/visiting weekend. Those who are accepted will be called by their POI and can visit if they want then.
  13. I have not heard anything from them either. On my status page it says that my application is "in review" still.
  14. Yep. Not one peep from them. My online status says that my application has been "routed" to the department for review.
  15. Another week down and still complete silence...
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