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Posts posted by blackscotch

  1. at least one school in downtown toronto has sent out all invitations for interviews.  some might even call it a "visiting day".  the competition was beyond insane this year.  # of applications between 200-400.  i've received word from 2/3 schools that i didn't get in. waiting on one more school.  second time around applying (last year only applied to one school though).  

  2. The politics behind graduate admission is so enormous, you wouldn't believe me even if I told you.

    It's very money-driven and a large part of it is being in the right place at the right time. Your GRE, GPA and publications, while important, In no way guarantee admission and that's what makes it so unpredictable

    To give you an idea, something as arbitrary as your gender can significantly impact your chances of being admitted.

  3. Blackscotch, thank you for the information. It really provides a different kind of perspective do this whole process. I knew funding is the focus for many schools, but I did not know how heavy it was emphasized. Really gets me thinking...

    Also, which schools have you applied to for the clinical program and have you heard any news?

    You're welcome.

    Sorry, I can't reveal where I've applied (one of them is the institution I have a connection to).

    I have not heard back as of yet. My quant on the GRE was absolutely horrendous but I did VERY good on analytical and verbal.

    Interviews are being held as we speak and will continue into February. Everyone will hear back (either way) by April. If you don't hear back by mid February, I would assume you've been denied admission.

  4. The average applicant is... There is no average applicant, really. I mean supervisors vary in what they look for. What you really have to worry about is the university.

    Many people mistake universities as educational institutions. They are. But first and foremost, they are a business with interests in making money and bringing in funding.

    GRE scores serve one purpose: weed out the majority of applicants, and make the process of filtering down to students who have a high chance of degree completion. For most people, GRE scores and GPA are strongly correlated. If one is high, the other tends to be, as well.

    Your grades and GRE scores are mainly screened in order to ensure the university will be able to maintain their high entrance averages that they advertise and to secure funding which usually demands strong academic history from student applicants.

    If your GRE and GPA are acceptable, then everything else is going to be your personality, research interests, probability of being funded and publishing...

  5. I realize I initially posted this in the wrong thread (eg non canadian).

    Hi everyone. My first time here.

    I'm also applying for Clinical Psychology programs in Canada for Fall 2015 admission.

    I happen to also be in a position where I would have some insight on the other side of things - without giving too much away, I'll say that I'm privvy to some information that a regular applicant wouldn't have, at a major institution.

    If you have any questions... I'll try to answer them.

  6. Hi everyone. My first time here.

    I'm also applying for Clinical Psychology programs in Canada for Fall 2015 admission.

    I happen to also be in a position where I would have some insight on the other side of things - without giving too much away, I'll say that I'm privvy to some information that a regular applicant wouldn't have, at a major institution.

    If you have any questions... I'll try to answer them.

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