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Posts posted by herbieoh

  1. To the two people show were wait listed at the University of Minnesota…. Did you learn if all four applicants who were accepted were already notified? I saw one acceptance on the spreadsheet already. How many people are on the wait list? I would greatly appreciate any information about UM!



    Hi there. I am currently on the wait-list and all I heard from Professor Canepa, the DGS, is that there are four admits. I strongly believe that they are all notified, but it's just a hunch. At this point, I see only two on the wait-list for there are two on the spreadsheet. U of Minnesota is a great program, and I am sure that the four admits will seriously consider when making a decision. So I plan not to think much of it until April. 

  2. Congratulations to the two Northwestern applicants who have so far been invited to interview! I also applied to that program.  If you see this, what are your respective areas and who did you apply to study with?


    Also wanted to say that I got my first acceptance.  SUNY Buffalo's Visual Studies PhD program.  I know it is not Art History, but it is a related field. Very excited about it!

    Hello c m, Thank you so much! And congrats for your first admittance to Buffalo. I know how nervous it is to pass this tough season without any admissions. You are very lucky!


    I am soon to have an interview with one of the faculty. My area of interest is the post-1945 contemporary art, especially around the identarian politics and representation of the margin. which is a very popular topic, and NU's faculty has a very strong lineup in this area. Additionally, Black aesthetic, and the imagery of the translatlantic slavery trade in art is what I am mostly interested in these days. I think this precedent scholarship can provide theoretical models for, though not entirely applicable to, different foci, like the nascent Asian diasporic art history. There are four POIs, Huey Copeland, Hannah Feldman, Christine Kiaers, and Krista Thompson in NU. 


    I am also the one wait-listed in the University of Minnesota. I also love the faculty's active research in the modern and contemporary art history and historiography, of course especially Jane Blocker. I think it would sure be very excited to study her decent works, especially if you are considering the visual studies area. And as to the disciplinary gap, I personally do not divide the two disciplines, for I find virtually no practical differences between the two (which means there are theoretical differences, like many existing between art historical categories). Probably, the visual studies department would less demand an M.A. in art history degree, which many art history programs tacitly ask for.


    SO, we will see what will happen this long February. I am so happy to share opinions and progress with you!

  3. Hello,


    I definitely agree that those scholars listed above are great. But I like to add one more figure here.

    Johns Hopkins has been well-known for its European and American centered scholarship. But there is one professor hired recently, Rebecca M. Brown. If you are considering South Asian art history, and especially thinking of a close mentoring between your advisor and you, then she would be a great advisor. 

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