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Everything posted by dirtychai

  1. I feel the same. I had pretty good rapport with my POI, via many emails about projects, and meeting at AGU. At AGU they told me to definitely apply. Then rejected, so soon! Such bummer. I have heard that OSU is very, very competitive. They get more strong applicants than spots available. At least you didn't get rejected in the first round of cuts! I got an automated email two weeks after the deadline. I was in the first round of cuts. I found out why by sending a nice email to the grad secretary and she told me that it was low GPA/GRE. I'd say shoot her an email, she's really good about replying. Thanks for the suggestions!
  2. For anyone waiting on University of Oregon, I emailed the department chair (who is also an advisor I wanted to work with) and they said they have sent all of their acceptances. Those wonderful automated rejections should be coming soon... Also, for data's sake, here are my results: Rejected from OSU because of low GPA (3.1 overall, 3.8 in major) and low GRE (158Q 153V 3.5W). I applied to the VIPER program. Rejected from University of Oregon because there wasn't enough funding. Both of the POIs I talked to said they specifically remember my application, said that I was "highly qualified", and that it was a tough call (I'm hoping they meant it). I didn't study for the GRE whatsoever and did it during AGU week when I was presenting, so at least there's a silver lining there... I can definitely score better if I actually study. Also, none of the POI's I emailed at UO received my emails at the beginning of application season.... I think they got filtered out or buried in other emails. Since they remember my application, this leads me to believe that they review all of the applications regardless of if you have built rapport with whomever you would like to work with (not saying rapport isn't important!). I am quite discouraged, even though the POIs told me that the rejection was not a criticism on my qualifications. I can't help but take it like that. Does anyone know any schools that have decent volcanology programs, or people who do interdisciplinary stuff with volcanoes and geomorphology? NOT OSU OR U OF O PLEASE.
  3. Yes, that's them! I feel like they got back to me really fast (about two weeks after the deadline! ), which has me a bit worried about my other app. Well... when a door is closed another one opens, or something like that, right??
  4. Undergrad Institution: Big Research Oriented University, top tier reputation. Major(s): Earth Science Minor(s): Environmental Systems, Sociology GPA in Major: 3.6 Overall GPA: 3.1, upper divs = 3.6 Position in Class: In major, near top. In whole school, somewhere average (not bad) Type of Student: Domestic female GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 158 V: 153 W: 3.5 Research Experience: 1.5 years of research experience, paper in the works, one conference publication Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Scholarships for socioeconomically disadvantaged, first generation students, also deans list a couple times Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Teaching Assistant in geology, Research assistant in seismology, paleontology, geochem Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: was homeless and still went to college and graduated with honors? Special Bonus Points: female, minority, finishing up MS thesis at top tier institution with research that is relevant to the POIs I have contacted (same as undergrad) Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: one of my LORs has personal ties with one of the schools I am applying to and knows the chair of the dept. Other LORs are respected in their fields Applying to Where: OSU Corvallis- Geology - Petrology/Geochemistry - rejected! U of O - Geology - Petrology/Geochemistry
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