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Posts posted by mrober77

  1. Seeking advice/thoughts:


    I am in the process of hearing back from grad schools (in the policy/international affairs realm) and it’s going well. I’ve gotten into several programs that I’m really excited about. The problem is I’m not getting offered a lot of funding. I’m not surprised—I had a pretty unimpressive undergrad GPA and I’ve heard that much of the funding is based on academic merit. I received funding from only one of the schools I applied to (it would come to about $40,000 over the course of the two years—combined fellowship and assistantship) but I’m not sure if it’s my top choice.  On the other hand, I am struggling with the idea of being ~130k in the hole if I choose a program that offers no funding. I want to make a decision based on what program will be most beneficial to my career long-term but the money aspect is making the decision significantly harder (or arguably, significantly easier).


    Is anyone else in the same position? For those of you going into policy/international affairs, how are you predicting ROI on your degree? How are you deciding where the line is between expensive but worth it and expensive and not worth it?


    I'd be grateful for any advice/thoughts/experiences others could share!

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