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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
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  1. How do we all think the O&G industry will be in a couple years? Going into my first year of a masters at UT Austin so I'm hoping I'll get an internship and be fine, but idk how bad it is
  2. Just curious what made you choose UC Boulder over a place like UT Austin where you have fellowship funding?
  3. Agree with this. I shot really high considering my numbers (3.2 gpa, 155/158 Q/V GRE) and pretty much heard back from everywhere except UCSC, where they had already told me they didn't have funding. I think luck plays a huge part in the process and sometimes it's just fit, not so much your GPA/GRE
  4. Things I will keep in mind, thanks for the advice. I can see why it could be a good idea to do the PhD but I am pretty ready to move on to life after school, but who knows. I did think though that PhD students were less desirable to oil companies as they are a little over-qualified.
  5. I did email him and the graduate adviser and it sounds like it may or may not have been a mistake but I can choose this fall whether to pursue my MS or PhD. It's a nice option to have but I am definitely going MS, I was just worried they were trying to get me to commit to a 5 year PhD which I'm not interested in at the moment.
  6. So I got my official letter from the Jackson school today at UT Austin. I applied as a masters student, have a masters-sized project in mind with my adviser, but was accepted as a doctoral student. I don't want to be a doctoral student. Are they just forcing me into a 5 year project? Or what's going on
  7. Not me but I had a friend whose been accepted to UC Boulder and another person who was at a different PSW this last weekend with me had already been accepted as well edit that I'm not sure if these were unofficial acceptances via professor or official offers through the school
  8. Just heard I've been accepted to UT. Pretty excited, and I'm going to UCSB tomorrow so I have some tough choices to make. I hope everyone here worrying about acceptances hears back soon with good news, because I know I've been doing a lot of stressing too and it's not fun. Good luck everyone!
  9. Just so everyone knows SDSU accepts applications until March 1st. Might be something to look into.
  10. Anyone know the difference between those who have received their acceptance from UT so far and those of us who have been invited to PSW, but not been accepted? Is this weekend more of an interview for us as we haven't been accepted, or could we just be not getting an email yet because they are still clearing people for acceptance?
  11. Are you sure the visit weekend for top candidates isn't the 2nd to last weekend in February? I got invited out to UT Feb 21st- 23rd, and am hoping it's their number 1 weekend, but I'm not sure why the weekend for top candidates wouldn't be the first visit.
  12. I know one person accepted to UT, anyone else know if others have been? Also if there are multiple PSWs does anyone know if Feb 21st-23rd is the first?
  13. My POI told me I'd be invited out about a week ago and I just got the official invite from the department today.
  14. Got an invite to UT Austin. Already heard from my POI I was invited out, but haven't heard that I'm accepted. I'm a little nervous because I've heard with their first string they will sometimes accept them before the Students Weekend. Anyone know if this is true for everyone at UT or if this is a professor-by-professor basis?
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