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Posts posted by AKGeo

  1. Made my final decisions today!


    I accepted a PhD offer at CU Boulder in geological sciences with guaranteed RA funding during the school year plus double pay RA summers my first two years! I'm so excited! I got a great feeling from the department, my POI, and his students when I visited back in March. It felt like everyone genuinely wanted me there and wanted to support me in my grad studies. Plus Boulder is beautiful and has great culture and awesome food and bars and I'm really into backpacking, mountain climbing, paddling, and hiking so it's pretty much perfect for all of that.


    I withdrew my application from UCSD Scripps after sitting on their waitlist for months. I decided it wasn't worth it especially considering I had the better offer from Boulder.


    I turned down PhD offers at Purdue (with TA funding), Virginia Tech (with TA funding), and UT Austin (with fellowship funding).


    Good luck to everyone else on here as April 15th approaches!

    Just curious what made you choose UC Boulder over a place like UT Austin where you have fellowship funding?

  2. Here are a few stories related to scores and admissions.

    Person 1: Perfect GRE scores (seriously 170/170), 4.0 GPA 1 year paid ($50,000) internship at Harvard.  Gets in at all the elite schools...except for Harvard!


    Person 2: Near perfect GRE scores (165/165), near perfect GPA, 3 years research experience, admitted to Stanford.


    Person 3: Mid-150s GRE scores, 3.5ish GPA, 3 months research experience, admitted to Stanford.


    Person 4: Great GRE scores, near perfect GPA, lots of experience, rejected at mid-ranked school.


    I think that alone should tell you that luck plays a very HIGH part in admissions.  That's why people with less than stellar scores apply to places like CU Boulder and why people with amazing scores are afraid to apply at mid-ranked schools.  I'm halfway convinced that the reason I was admitted was because I chose the perfect advisor at the perfect time.  You never know if an advisor has funding (or will get the funding they're hoping for), if their students will graduate on time, if they took on too many students last year, so on and so forth. 


    Point is, I would never advise an applicant that has an amazing application with only average GRE/GPA to not apply to places like Stanford and CU.  Scores only mean so much and you'll never know when they'll mean more or less. 

    Agree with this.  I shot really high considering my numbers (3.2 gpa, 155/158 Q/V GRE) and pretty much heard back from everywhere except UCSC, where they had already told me they didn't have funding.  I think luck plays a huge part in the process and sometimes it's just fit, not so much your GPA/GRE

  3. You might ask if you can plan your MS like a first chapter of a PhD thesis as well, since you have this admit.  Lots of options. And fwiw, not trying to convince you of doing the PhD, but the PhD does qualify you for more jobs (and security) in industry. Having a PhD means you are much less likely to be laid off (Since PhDs in industry are more rare than MSc) as well. 


    What if your interests change?  Accept the PhD, IMO.  I'm pretty sure (have seen it before but not specifically at your school) that you can choose to just get a M.S. after a year or so if that what you prefer.  You may find that you really enjoy it and having that guaranteed funding for additional years will be a nice peace of mind.  

    Things I will keep in mind, thanks for the advice.  I can see why it could be a good idea to do the PhD but I am pretty ready to move on to life after school, but who knows.  I did think though that PhD students were less desirable to oil companies as they are a little over-qualified. 

  4. I have never heard of this. Email your POI. It will all be sorted out. It could just be a mistake on the letter !

    I did email him and the graduate adviser and it sounds like it may or may not have been a mistake but I can choose this fall whether to pursue my MS or PhD.  It's a nice option to have but I am definitely going MS, I was just worried they were trying to get me to commit to a 5 year PhD which I'm not interested in at the moment. 

  5. Anyone hear from Colorado re: masters?

    Not me but I had a friend whose been accepted to UC Boulder and another person who was at a different PSW this last weekend with me had already been accepted as well

    edit that I'm not sure if these were unofficial acceptances via professor or official offers through the school

  6. The visit weekend for top candidates (who have not yet been accepted) and already accepted students isn't until the last week of February so I wouldn't expect to hear much until after that's over and students start accepting/turning down their offers.

    Also, just for some perspective: in 2012 the geo program at UT had 487 applicants and only 92 were accepted. That's an acceptance rate of <19% so statistically speaking it's entirely possible that none of the three people from your school get accepted. Grad acceptances come down to research fit and available funding and a million other factors. Well qualified candidates get wait listed or rejected all the time even if they look great on paper.

    The seemingly random and unfair nature of it all can make the whole process extremely stressful, but it is what it is. At this point in time it's just a waiting game, and worrying about it won't change the outcome. Sit back, relax, and try to stay busy with other things!

    Are you sure the visit weekend for top candidates isn't the 2nd to last weekend in February?  I got invited out to UT Feb 21st- 23rd, and am hoping it's their number 1 weekend, but I'm not sure why the weekend for top candidates wouldn't be the first visit. 

  7. Is UT big with GRE scores? I know they don't have a minimum but are they one of those schools that weigh it more then the GPA ? The GRE is definitely my Achilles heal in my application :unsure:   

    As far as I understand GRE and GPA both play a role, but they really are keen on strong UG research and letters of rec.  As long as your GRE and GPA are in a decent range I think you're good.

  8. Oh boy. Congrats to your friend though do you happen to know his or her stats ? Also were they a Ph.D or M.S candidate ? Also does anyone know if UT evaluates candidates in any type of order ? Like do they send acceptances to their first choices then they go down the ladder from there ? 

    M.S, great pedigree I'm not surprised he got in.  I'm sure that's exactly what they do.  Just because he heard from his professor doesn't mean all professors are going to let their students know that early though (or so I hope, I'm still waiting on an answer)

  9. I've been invited out to 3/4  grad schools I've applied to for my masters, UT Austin, UCSB, and USC (S. Carolina).  I'm pretty nervous for all of these visits, and I'm wondering if I'm going to get grilled with questions.  What can I expect from these visits?  How close to being "in" am I?  Any tips for standing out in meetings with faculty and grad students?



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