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    United States
  • Application Season
    2015 Spring

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  1. Well at least we know in the next 7 days we will have an answer.
  2. It is all a conspiracy. Mind games!! Hopefully your answer is a better one than mine!
  3. I made a phone call earlier to ask. They said next week, but it is up in the air he said. Most likely won't be the end of next week though, but it all depends.
  4. Mfrost- would you lie to us? Please be lying to us lol!
  5. I have been dreaming about it! Usually weekdays go by fast for me, so here's till Friday!
  6. I feel like a zombie. We only have 2 weeks left of school and I am just floating around, going through the motions haha. It also dosen't help that I am like- can I get an answer? When I get my acceptance I will be able to breathe a little easier knowing I want have to look for a jobby right away!
  7. Let's hope it is a good guess.
  8. T-minus 9 days, friends.
  9. The 17th sounds good to me. Imagine if it was this Friday... errrmergerd. I just would like to know, as if it does not work out, I will have to look for a real grown up job. So does this mean that there officially has not been a budget update or date update letter as we are too close to the date? (PS this is the first message board that I have ever been on, AND I LOVE IT lol)
  10. We are approaching our final date. Any word, any movement? Smoke signals possibly?
  11. **IF** there is going to be some sort of notification before we hear, I would think that we will hear by tomorrow (possibly Monday). Friday is a holiday for many people, correct? That would leave a week to make any budget updates or date updates by the following Friday. Then that next week I bet we will hear!! Freak out moment!! That is just my deductive reasoning lol. Does anyone see signs from their country everywhere? Atleast one a day... Dear Lord Jesus, please help me lol!! Just gotta keep the faith, right? Another question- what is everyones reasoning behind applying for the scholarship/fellowship? I am sure everyone has their own reasoning. Mine is I see it as a foot in the door to the Foreign Service and will make me more marketable.
  12. Also, Mr. Saffle or Boren Committee friends (I hope you look at this board), if you sent us just a hint or sign, I would greatly appreciate it (maybe even send a fruit basket lol)
  13. Welcome to April. Shouldn't be long now. Good luck to us all!! May the odds be ever in our favor!
  14. Well, another week down and no word yet for us fellowship folk. I bet that they are meeting right now, hopefully saying wow this application is AMAZING lol. I still say this week we may get some word and if not, it will be April and we have made it. Someone had posted before that we will hear the third week in April- I hope that means the 17th!
  15. Yea, maybe? I mean, I do have better things that I could do, I just would like to be in the loop as to what is going on. I had reached out to a winner this year to ask for some pointers when crafting my application and she was way more than helpful. I had spoken again to this applicant and asked her about estimated dates as to when she received word from the Boren office and she said she can't remember anything between that random survey and her acceptance.
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