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  1. No - I declined this weekend. I very much wanted to visit, but I thought it would be more helpful to the department and less selfish to decline the offer before the visit, so that someone else could go and use it more fully/not just in order to meet people.
  2. I feel entirely too lucky. I'm also about to decline UNC, which will be equally draining, I think - such a great place. @MVSCZAR I did apply to CPAMP - I'm guessing so did you? Good luck!!! @Siegfried42 If only I could!!!
  3. I just declined Toronto, Cornell, and Notre Dame. I've found it surprisingly draining. They're all such great places, and I just kept thinking of the awesome people who work there. Hope this helps somebody.
  4. I'm out of upvotes but thank you so much, everybody!!! I really appreciate it and I'm honestly touched by these reactions. I wish you all the best of luck!!
  5. Thank you! No idea, unfortunately. Though the fact that they split calls for their small number of offers over 2 days suggests it's not done in one quick sweep. At the same time, I don't want to draw out anybody's agony by giving possibly unwarranted hope - I know the pain all too well from yesterday. I'm sorry I don't have anything useful to say :/ I'm crossing my fingers for you.
  6. I got a phone call from Yale an hour ago or so (I had to calm down some before coming on here as I was actually hyperventilating at some point. But !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). I've still not quite recovered. This has to be one of the happiest moments of my life, if not the happiest one. (And that after I spent most of yesterday utterly depressed and heart-broken about a presumed rejection from them.)
  7. I've gotten a couple of acceptances so far and I don't even have an academia.edu page ... (in fact, you can't find very much at all if you google me, except for a couple of minor things already included on my CV) Edit: I'm very tired, and it seems to me like maybe my contribution here was beside the point. I think the main thing I wanted to communicate is that there may be enough applicants where googling is useless, and so maybe some places just don't do it or at least not routinely, and when people do get hits it's because some professor thought 'Hm, interesting, let me see if this person has other stuff online'
  8. I'm afraid it wasn't an automated email from the system. But I'm not sure you should infer anything from that about your situation just yet. A drink sounds like a good idea either way? :/ I'm sorry I can't say anything more uplifting.
  9. Congrats! And me too! Oh my goodness. I had blocked all internet access to prevent myself from refreshing my email but had to check on a HW assignment and then this!!!!
  10. Heh well my first post for Pitt got my GPA wrong, and my correction got the school name wrong! (Clearly I'm still in shock.) But if you, unlike me, are able to post correct results I'd say it's probably helpful.
  11. I also just got into Pitt!!! And I was a bumbling mess on the phone... I wouldn't worry yet. I had a missed phone call at 11:20 or so, and just saw it and called back (But note that they didn't try again in those 2 hours, so it wasn't done in one quick sweep.)
  12. Thank you!!! Yes - though just barely (technically already Thurs my time - EST). As for your other question, unfortunately I have no idea (or anything that might cause me to have a guess either way)... But good luck to you!
  13. I can claim the Berkeley. Still kind of in after-shock - I think I've just had a continuously happy day and a half. (Extremely long-time lurker; I've even had an account for the longest time, never got around to posting.)
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