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  • Interests
    Sociology, Social Work
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Social Work

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  1. Hi there. I am a current UCLA MSW student. Last year I head back around March 1st. I heard thats a little early but it should be around then.
  2. I applied the last day (jan 30th I believe?)
  3. Hey guys! for you wondering about the interview, I just got a email on friday for a interview offer for this friday. I declined as I have already accepted another school. hope this opens up room for someone else hoping to get in!
  4. yes i accepted. I applied to 3 different schools, but UCLA was always my number one so there is no point in waiting. you have until april 14th to accept/decline. my second option was long beach (i have not heard back yet) but like i said I'm set on UCLA. the price difference is honestly not a huge different (i know CSULA is around 32,000), and with UCLA health insurance is included in the price which is a bonus for those who do not have it.
  5. Unless you are super impressed with USC and there is so other program like it for what you need, go for UCLA. USC has great networking but its not worth an extra $50,000.
  6. Just recieved my email from lance fooks that I got accepted into the program
  7. you still have some really good schools on your list. best of luck with the others! i also heard a couple people at school saying they received rejections emails this morning. have not heard of any acceptance yet.
  8. Just spoke to admissions. They said EMAILS (thank goodness not snail mail) should be sent out within the next week for acceptance/rejections. They also said it does not make a difference weather you turned your applications in on the first or second deadline for when you will hear back. It more has to do with when your transcripts got in and how long it takes them to input decisions into their computers. Best of luck to those of you who have not heard back yet!
  9. I doubt it's alphabetical my last name starts with an A and I turned it in Dec 15th and I haven't gotten an email
  10. I'm sorry to hear that. Best of luck with all the other schools.
  11. i have a friend who is currently contemplating weather to go to USC or not. the tuition is super high but she hears its the best way to get a guaranteed job after

    1. esp.msw


      Sorry I just saw this! I honestly think that's all bull. You get what you give. I would seriously rethink whether i would want to work for an agency or organization that places that much value on the name of a school, especially in social services. I just cannot fathom being in that much debt for a degree in social work. Law and medicine, understandable. Not SW. Nothing is a guarantee.

  12. i received an email about a month ago (i applied by dec 15th deadline) saying (from lance frooks) that they received my transcripts. today again they send me another one saying the received them. i am so confused. the anxiety is killing me. i have a 3.7 gpa i went to a junior college then transferred to CAL POLY POMONA i will be getting my bachelors in sociology i have 5 years work experience with children with terminal illness (volunteering at hospitals). i also work as a behavioral specialist with autistic children doing community integration and am a intern at the violence prevention and womans resource center on campus. I belong to the V-Team e-board also to advocate for survivors.
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