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Everything posted by stretchingit

  1. Hahahaha! Thank you for that gif. Coffee came out of my nose.
  2. It sure is. I thought that my GREs were going to be the part of my application that got everyone's attention, but I've just received an offer from St. Andrews - the one school that I applied to that does not consider GRE scores. That program and POI are by far the best fit and it is my overall first choice! It's really all about fit. I've got many applications still outstanding, but as I've heard nothing from any of them and a handful of them have put out acceptances and rejections, I'm not sure I'll be getting any more good news. That would just be ironic - one acceptance from the school that neither considers GREs of takes an application fee. I could have done this whole thing for free?! Now, I just have a tortuous month of late night cold sweats before funding decisions are announced....
  3. Heard that FaultyPowers. Pretty much the same GRE scores (you got me by a point on Quant) and I am getting zero love from these folks. Two full SD's away from the average doesn't even seem to warrant a conversation. Apparently, there is no need to be worried about less than stellar scores, and no need to excited about good ones.
  4. Are there any JHU admittances who are willing to share the identity of their POI? Even through PM? I'm just hoping that yours are not the same as mine and maybe, just maybe, I'm still in the hunt...
  5. Thanks for the the insight ArcheoGeek and museum_geek. My immediate response was, "why not just let me in right now?" What is there that is going to change? That is a good point about POI availability. Now, here's to just getting in somewhere else this year instead of worrying about next!
  6. Hey guys, long term lurker here. I'm in the same boat as some of you with total bleeping silence minus one formal rejection from Princeton (with encouragement from my POI to reapply next year....huh?!?!). I hold an MA in Anthro, with an admittedly less than mindblowing GPA of 3.4, but I beat the GRE averages for admitted PhD students at top anthro programs by 3-4 points (on the 30 point scale) in Qual and Quant each - according to the score data on Magoosh. I have excellent letters of recommendation from both my MA professors and also one from a distinguished leader in my theoretical interests whom I've corresponded with for years, and I had encouraging contact with POI's in the months leading up to application deadlines. Not so much as an interview yet. These are dark times...
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