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Posts posted by hope9593

  1. At least a year back from now everything was going great in my Biology PhD program. Apart from the occasional feeling that I was not being able to work to my full potential, the quarterly reviews with my PhD committee members were “excellent”. My advisor was comparatively satisfied with my progress in research than with other members of the lab and that brought additional responsibilities. However, little did I know that a ‘B’ in a stats class was all that was required to send me back to my miseries, two years into my program. My advisor was relatively new and to my knowledge did all he could to save my ass, which wasn’t enough at the end. The only thing that he assured was a letter of recommendation if I ever reapplied. I was a graduate assistant and with the assistantship cancelled I didn’t stand a chance to continue.  I tried talking to the stats instructor but it did not yield favorable results.

                    Fast forward a couple months after getting kicked out.
    I am back in my country. Sitting on the same chair, in front of the same computer that I used while sending out applications about 2 years ago. All I can think of is I don’t want to die a failure and if I really have to fail I would prefer failing in something that I am at least happy doing. I do have a job a present but I know that I don’t want to do that. I want to get back to my PhD (of course a fresh start somewhere else) or at least try. I know it might be difficult (as per some blogs) and even if I get in I might face an analogous situation during the coursework. For the time being though I am trying to tackle one problem at a time.

    Just wanted to know if any of you guys have had similar experiences.
    Both optimistic and pessimistic views are welcome in addition to suggestions related to increase my chances (if any).

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