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Posts posted by neurominer

  1. Hey Everyone,


    I am possibly going to SDSU this Fall, and if I am I would like to live with a friend of mine who will be attending USD (University of San Diego--not to be confused with UCSD) for law school, while taking classes at UCSD concurrently for a dual JD/MS degree. I will likely be working ~20 hours a week in a lab at UCSD, and taking several classes for my MS at SDSU. So to summarize, He'll be spending about half his time at UCSD, half at USD, and I will be spending half my time near UCSD and half at SDSU.  


    So I'm hoping to find an apartment at a "reasonable" price (Definitely less than $1,000 per person, ideally less than $750/person, after utilities) that is as close to USD, SDSU, and UCSD as possible. I will not have a car, and my friend would prefer not to have a car, but may be able to bring his if necessary.


    I am okay with a long commute, though I'd prefer to keep it under 45 minutes if possible. I will have a bicycle and would love to use that as a major mode of transportation as much as possible. From perusing this forum, it seems like Hillcrest might be the best option given my our circumstances? 


    Sorry for the lack of cohesiveness in my post!

  2. I agree strongly with Josh J; your application is solid and your D+ will likely be overlooked if you score highly on the quantitative section. BUT your D+ looks more like a manifestation of only an above average proficiency in math as opposed to an aberration with a 155 as opposed to a 165+ score. 


    Another option one might consider is explaining your low quant score...but I don't recommend this at all because it makes you look irresponsible (not saying you are, shit happens, but the adcom may very well perceive it this way). 


    If you look at the GRE scores of accepted applicants to math-intensive fields on the results page, you'll find that quant scores are almost always above 160, usually 165+ and that acceptance correlates more strongly with 165+ QGRE than it does with 3.5+ GPA.


    TL;DR--Take the test again; It sucks to blow the cash but it's better than getting into a subpar program instead of one you would flourish in.


    Best of luck!

  3. Haha I'm glad my advice could help :). I can definitely understand a round trip flight to both places being too expensive. That being said, if you're leaning towards Vermont I think you should convince your folks to help you out and take a visit even if it annoys them and you have to make some moderate sacrifices (whatever your money would be going to otherwise). SInce Vermont is the unconventional choice, it is too big of a risk to go there off of email correspondence alone. It's simply too easy to misread or get a skewed impression of the person you're dealing with through this type of communication.


    BUT I do think that if you visit, like the campus, meet with and still feel the same way about working with your POI there, that would be a very good reason to go with the unconventional choice. I hope you find a way to get there :)


    But if not, I'm sure you'll succeed no matter where you go. Hopefully your Masters is a bright spot in your life, but even if you choose WMU and hate it, or Vermont and hate it, ultimately it is the means to and end--getting into a PhD program which your are good fit for--so you can always grind through the two years and produce good work.


    :) I think you'll be happy and successful with either choice though.

  4. I think it depends on your long-term goals to an extent. Are you planning to go for your PhD after your masters? If so, then while WMU will look very impressive on your resume prestige-wise, might you have a more fruitful working relationship with this POI you are hitting it off with? If you really like his research interests, you may have a much more impressive thesis coming out of UVM working with the POI you really like there.


    I would recommend trying to visit both if you haven't already, if it is at all feasible financially. You will probably have a much better, and more informed feel for where you will do your best work and set yourself up for whatever your next step may be. I know traveling to two places (or at least one) by plane is really expensive but I think the probe is worth the investment, especially if you come to find that you strongly prefer one program over the other.


    Best of luck!!

  5. Hey guys if u had to choose between these two which would u prefer? And why?


    Are you doing the Master's program, or the PhD? I would say probably UMich either way, unless you are getting a master's and then hoping to go right in to industry… Northeastern will put you in a better position for a lot of contacts that could lead to jobs in the Boston area. UMich is definitely the stronger program though. 




    When did you hear back from Michigan?

  6. I applied to the following:

    1. UC Santa Cruz

    2. University of Illinois at Chicago

    3. Tufts

    4. SDSU

    5. U of Oregon

    6. U of Delaware (accepted)

    I'm thinking of applying to a few more With later deadlines:

    -U Mich


    -Georgia Tech

    -George Washington



    Anyone know of some other good programs whose application deadline is March 1st or later?

    And to the poster above, how did you choose which programs to apply to?

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