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Everything posted by Cecily.Brooke

  1. CONGRATS! You deserve it! I sent an email to Illinois State to see where they were at in the process. I was told they were finalizing everything this week and applicants will receive notification next week. I just want out of limbo land.. I really enjoyed myself when I visited Kent and Taryn has been very communicative and helpful during this whole process which I, personally believe speaks volume of the program. I am highly positive that I am going to Kent State, like I said earlier, I just want out of this limbo land.
  2. Yeah, I emailed Karla back asking if there was a ranking list. She didn't know my exact ranking but that I was in the second tier. She said that they may already have their positions filled from what she had knowledge of... so who knows? She was very nice and encouraging! - If that helps any.
  3. Received an email from Ohio University and I am on their waitlist!
  4. Received a phone call from Kent State University earlier today and was accepted into the program with a tuition remission and assistantship!
  5. Thanks, I am very excited to see the facilities and to meet everyone in person! Thank you for all your insight about the program and about applying. Also, congratulations on your acceptance to the University of Montana! I haven't been keeping a good track on the forums lately...just popping in and out. The University I am currently attending has been considering to eliminate several programs on campus (including art) and it has been quite chaotic and stressful.
  6. Received a phone call from Kent State University for a Skype interview, since it's my spring break I'm going to visit andhave an in-person interview! Here is to hoping for a good response. I also checked UK's portal and I was rejected.
  7. I received an email from Miami University (Ohio) and I was accepted into their printmaking program!
  8. Hello thepictureisstill, I really enjoy that everything is natural..meaning you're not recreating it, you are using the true essence and in an ordinary way. Yet, the perspective of the still and your (I'm assuming) intentional placement of the viewer's attention make it unique, I think the choices in leaving the feet bare and the rest of the body in black gives us a better focus on the natural aspect and the connectivity between body, mineral, soil and eventually water. The colors play well together, nothing is competing with the focus of the iron oxide, and the iron oxide isn't stealing away the whole show/performance. It's nice and subtle, and to me, I interpret this piece about a cycling process, not necessarily the life cycle. It has aspects of a theme (to me) of things fleeting, or dwindling and then of reemergence due to how easily this can be or has been replicated just by its own natural tendencies.
  9. I am applying to printmaking programs, still no news so I'm just quietly lurking. Congrats on the interviews blondertongue!
  10. The schools I am applying to and current status; Indiana University - Bloomington - Interview 2/4 Ohio University - Northern Illinois University - Rejected via email 2/19 Miami University (OH) - Illinois State University - University of Kentucky - Here is my website - http://www.cecilybrooke.com Feedback is appreciated!
  11. Same here! I am trying my best to resist the urge to call anyone about decision-making...gah. I did send Michael Barnes an email, requesting feedback on my application, just in case I'll be doing this next year...which I sincerely hope not.
  12. I got an email from NIU, it's a no go but it was a nice rejection, haha.
  13. Yeah, I will definitely let you know. I met Sarah and Morgan when I toured ISU, they were pretty awesome. During our tour of the litho space, we got derailed from print/grad talk to talking about Doctor Who... I'll see what my finances looks like in a couple of weeks and let you know, and also to see if my department would be interested in supporting me in my travels/fees somehow. I heard from all my recommenders, and they gave me the greenlight so I've finished my application to Kent State. Now I'm just waiting to find out what my application/banner # is and I will be uploading my portfolio, hopefully by the end of the week!
  14. Awesome, thank you so much! I am already starting the application. I emailed my reccomenders to see if they wouldn't mind do one more recommendation in a short time period. I considered going to SGCI. I know I can pay the late registration and go, which I might do since it's during Spring Break. Driving to and from Missouri took a lot of energy by myself, but Knoxville is a lot closer. Sadly, our printmaking professor retired and the current printlab is basically closed..so I haven't been able to persuade others to go from my University... if I can get another individual to go, I'll definitely pay the late fee and go! In short, I might be going... sorr for the long ramble.
  15. I have a few professor that went to Ohio University, they had interesting things to say and the faculty they knew but that was about 20ish years ago. I have a friend their but for Appalachian Studies. I wish I could've gone to the past MAPC... I went to the one in Missouri and had a blast.
  16. On page 40, Vinny51 quoted it from another user.
  17. If it isn't a problem, that would be great, thanks! They have a grad student directory and some of their printmakers are on there with photos of their work. I honestly didn't think I would get an interview with IUB. NIU and IUB are tied for the top picks. Next is Illinois State and Miami University. Ohio University is pretty well ranked, I like the professors work and of current grad students but I doubt I'll get accepted. I feel like I didn't do enough research. University Kentucky's Jonnathan McFadden is new to the department, but his work and installation pieces are awesome. I love Kentucky but I want to venture out of the state so it's last on my list.
  18. Kent State was on my original list, I checked the site and it said the deadline was Feb. 2nd, but if things don't go so well this round I'll be sure to apply to them for the next round! Thank you for showing my prints to your class, that makes me feel pretty awesome. I haven't heard anything from NIU (just checked my email) so here is to hoping that's a good sign! Michael Barnes is an awesome guy, and his personal litho press kicks apple! When I got rejected a couple years ago, I was checking the portal and saw the rejection. I also creeped on you as well, so no worries. Also, when I visited Illinois State, they told me they only accepted people that they have money to fund, which rumor has it, is two for the upcoming Fall. They were also waiting for a greenlight to start a new building complex for the visual arts and getting upgrade their printmaking facilities. I don't know what the status of that is, at the current moment. I don't know much about Ohio University, on funding or how many they are taking in. I think IUB is taking in 4 printmakers for the upcoming Fall at least that's speculation that my friend (IUB Ceramics Dept.) told me earlier today.
  19. I sent Tracy some post questions on the 11th, and I have been checking my phone religiously, haha... Well, I am going to assume that I got rejected, but I am very pleased with myself on getting an interview! (Thinking positively) I actually visited NIU and ISU and they were really awesome, each gave some really good feedback for my work. This is also my second time applying to NIU, I applied back in 2013. Thanks for giving me the info, it's great knowing that there is another printmaker going through the waiting as well as applying to majority of the same schools! Good choices if I do say so myself! I have a facebook, you can find me as Cecily Brooke and I also have a facebook page for my work; https://www.facebook.com/cecilybrookeprintmaker. Feel free to add me or comment on my work. My school only consists of two Grad Printmakers (me included) so I'm excited to branch out to meet new printmakers and other fine artists!
  20. Hey, I just found this forum. I applied to a few MFA Printmaking programs NIU, IUB, OU, ISU, Miami U (Ohio), and UK. I had a Skype interview 2/4 with IUB and I sent an email with a few post question, and Tracy said decisions would be posted in a few weeks...
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