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Posts posted by rlb1au

  1. Thanks for the response. I have asked around a few places and that is basically the response I have gotten. I think I am just going to try and find a summer sublet so I can actually visit places and meet people before I sign a lease.

  2. Question about the structure of leases in the Medford/Somerville area:


    So, long story short I am moving from halfway across the country to Boston for graduate school. I'll be paid pretty decently and I am looking for an apartment that I can afford, which is in the $800-900 range per month. To get a place that I can afford it looks like I will need to be in a 4-5 bedroom place. I'm fine with this, but every landlord I have talked to about signing the lease has been doing something that I think is quite unusual.


    In the college town I am leaving, in a multi-room apartment where people who aren't related are renting the lease is always divided by room. Meaning you only sign a lease that requires you pay for your room. Every landlord in the Medford/Somerville area that I have spoken with wants me to sign a lease for the full value of the apartment. So for a 5 bedroom apartment where I would be paying $900 a month for my room, the lease I am signing makes me equally responsible for the full value of $4500 a month with the other roommates. This means if one of my roommates couldn't pay they could come after me for his rent. This seems like bullshit and way too risky of a lease for me to sign. As my income is only half the full value of the lease each month. Is this normal in the area? It seems like a really stupid way to do things (from the renters perspective).

  3. As expected I didn't get it. My proposal and my future goals are really disconnected. The proposal I submitted was the only one I had but it was for a project I don't intend to pursue in graduate school and it really showed through to the committee. That's ok. Next year I will actually have an advisor and a research path that I can match up with my goals and present a complete application. Well, I guess that seals my decision on where to attend grad school though. I'll be going to the only school I am fully funded at! Overall I am not as sad as I thought I'd be. I guess I kinda knew I wasn't going to get it.

  4. Well I had two dreams about this last night.

    The first dream was straightforward. I opened the email and saw I was awarded the fellowship.

    The second dream was was about an alien conspiracy to abduct the winners. The aliens disabled the NSF servers some how and then linked into them using devices disguised as a grills. They then set up centers for students to come find out the results. If someone was a winner, they fed them a piece of pepperoni from the grill that had a mind control agent in it. While waiting in line, I figured out that the grill was fake and an alien device so I ran out to try and find someone to stop them. However, aliens were everywhere (disguised as humans) and they chased after me so I couldn't blow their cover. Never found out of I got the fellowship, though.

    That's an amazing dream.

  5. Holy cow, I've never seen such high housing prices. Is it even possible to survive on a stipend of ~30,000 a year?


    Same here. I am headed to Tufts in the fall and I have already conceded that if I want anything under 1000 a month I am going to have to have multiple roomates. Now I have no idea how I am going to find multiple roomates since I live half a country away, but I guess I'll find out.

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