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Posts posted by awrochon

  1. On 2017-5-3 at 7:34 PM, Firlim said:

    Hi @awrochon I need some help! I got an acceptance from my second Erasmus choice and did accept because I was nervous not to, now I am afraid I will be discarded from my first choice as the results didn t came up yet! 

    What should I do to prevent that from happening, do I need to email my first program choice my second or the eacea??
    Thank you  

    Hi! I'm no expert but I would suggest emailing both the EACEA and your first program choice to let them know what is happening (probably better to not let the second program choice know :P ).


    You can simply tell them that you applied for two programs and while you accepted ....name of second choice program... you are more interested in  ...name of first choice program.... Tell them that you would like to know how the process works for acceptance, as you tentatively accepted the second choice one as you wait to hear from the first choice program. Ask them to advise you on what steps to take and ask for a timeline of when the first choice program will post the results. 


    I think it will be fine, but I would send those emails for peace of mind! If they know your preferences, they can adjust (and it's flattering for your first choice program to know that you prefer them first!)


    Good luck!

  2. On 14/03/2017 at 2:30 PM, Firlim said:

    Hi @yosoypao and @awrochon well I am just curious how it went for you last year? I am at the exact same position and was looking for some hope !

    I applied for Erasmus MER (Marine and Environmental Resources) and MSP ( Maritime and Spatial Planning), I am in the waiting list under Geographical windows for the first one waiting the EACEA decision till May and I didn't hear from the second one yet.

    Hope you both are accepted and enrolling in your chosen programs by now.


    Hi there - I'm just finishing up the Erasmus Mundus MAPP program. They changed how they distribute the scholarships since I enrolled, but hopefully you hear soon!! Sorry, I'm not more help.

    I definitely like the program and how it let me live in two different countries. I would say that the schooling system is about the same level as I experienced during my undergraduate in Canada.


    Good luck!

  3. Hi all,


    I got a confirmation email from another Erasmus Mundus program - IMRCEES (see below). But I haven't heard from MAPP yet. I heard from others that you usually get a confirmation email by the end of May. Anyone heard anything?


    "Dear IMRCEES Erasmus Mundus scholars


    This is a brief message to let you know that we have now received confirmation of your scholarship from the European Agency.  

    I am currently preparing your paperwork and  will send you further information, along with  formal letters of award and a contract to sign during the course of next week, but I thought I should let you know informally now as I know you have been waiting anxiously to have further news.


    Congratulations!  We are looking forward to welcoming you to Glasgow in September, and will be in touch again very soon.


    Best wishes



  4. Hi all, 


    I've been talking on two other Erasmus Mundus forums (Masters in Public Policy and IMRCEES - Russia, Central and Eastern European Studies) so far.


    Has anyone applied to these two? Or attended either of these? 


    I had two friends attend the IMRCEES one. They just graduated this past year.


    Good luck to everyone!



  5. I'm right there with you, but with one of my Erasmus offers, I actually asked for some extra time to get back to them so I can hear back from my first choice - a different Erasmus program. I figured that in the event the commission bumps me to the wait list for choice #1, I would be thrilled if someone eventually declined for a similar reason. We're all in a state of anxious email refreshing, but some folks get to relax sooner than others I guess. I am NOT in the relaxing group right now....


    I accepted other offers to UK universities weeks ago, but they let me know it would be okay to accept so I could meet the deadline and withdraw if I needed to.


    Hope this helps!


    Oh wow! Yes, that helps!


    I found out from my first choice that I got the scholarship, and then my second choice school moved me from the waitlist to the scholarship list. Which is very exciting, but made my nervous on how to answer. I only applied to two grad schools in total, so I need to make sure the scholarship is approved.


    Below is an email I wrote to the people who answer our Erasmus questions -  EACEA-Erasmus-Mundus@ec.europa.eu (...I sent something similar to the two coordinators of the programs I got into. I just asked them what they usually advise students to do.):



    I have a question regarding the (unofficial) scholarship offers I received from two different Erasmus Mundus programs. I need to confirm whether I intend to accept the offer once it is officially approved by the European Commission. As I know which one of the two offers is my preference, my question is regarding my response to my second choice program.

    I would like to decline the offer of my second choice program, but I'm slightly nervous about declining one school, if I haven't received the official confirmation from the European Commission regarding my first choice program. 
    I guess my overall point is what do you usually recommend to students offered more than one Erasmus Mundus scholarship? Do I accept both, in case of an issue when the European Commission is approving my nomination for a scholarship, or do I accept only one unofficial scholarship offer (as waiting for approval from the European Commission is a formality)? Do you know what past students have done?
    Sorry for the long-winded question, but I want to make sure that I respond correctly, so I don't affect another student who may be on the wait-list for one of these programs. I'm told I need to respond by March 31st to the unofficial offer.

    Thanks a lot for any help you can provide! I'm very excited for this opportunity and want to make sure I don't hold on to two offers, when another student can benefit from this excellent scholarship.

    Best wishes,

    Alexandra Wagner"





  6. Thanks for the answer! Yeah, they came back to me that actually they can offer CEU Full Fellowship in the first year and 50% tuition fee waiver for the second. They have also told me that I they don't hear from me by 31st of March they will pass the scholarship offers to the next on the waitlist. Confirmed my intention to accept the offer, but still haven't received any confirmation from them.




    On another note...I have a question for you or for everyone else! I'm a little nervous on waiting for the official acceptance. I want to decline my other grad school offer, but I also want to wait for confirmation from the European Commission.


    Have you (any of you!) had to respond to other grad school offers (in particular, Erasmus Mundus ones?). I want to decline one of my other offers so that another student can be bumped up from the wait list, but I also want to ensure I (for sure!!) have a spot at MAPP.


    Feeling confused and paranoid,


    Ali :P

  7. Hi all,


    Last Friday I was told I was moved up from the waiting list and had received the scholarship (or at least a recommendation to the European Commission for it). I need to tell them by March 31, if I accept or not.


    Since I have to decide between Mundus MAPP and this program, I asked the coordinator for more info. If this is simply a formality, I will let one of the schools know that I'm declining my application. However, if there is a chance that I could not get the scholarship, even after being given unofficial confirmation, I might hold onto both nominations.


    I'll let you know here once I accept or reject the offer!! 


    Hope everyone isn't stressing too much, waiting to hear from different programs!

  8. Has anyone received confirmation for sending acceptance/refusal of the offer? Thanks


    Hi! I sent an email to MAPP saying I intended to accept (once they officially offer it from the European Commission..) and asked whether the approval of the European Commission is just a formality and Heni (the coordinator) replied with this:


    "Dear Ali,

    Thank you for your prompt response.
    It is a formality that the European Commission checks our list of selected students. So far they have not declined any scholarships this way, but of course, we cannot guarantee their decision in advance.
    Best wishes,
    I assume since I received an email back, this confirms that I accepted the offer..
    Did you email them back saying you accepted their offer (and they haven't replied yet)?
  9. Hi all,


    I applied to both IMRCEES and MAPP. I received notice that my scholarship from MAPP needs to be accepted by the European Commission. For IMRCEES, I'm waitlisted, but as this is my second choice, I'll likely decline being on the waitlist.


    I asked the coordinator through Erasmus Mundus MAPP if the check by the European Commission is just a formality and here is what she sent me: 


    "Dear Ali,

    Thank you for your prompt response.
    It is a formality that the European Commission checks our list of selected students. So far they have not declined any scholarships this way, but of course, we cannot guarantee their decision in advance.
    Best wishes,



    Hope that helps to answer some questions about the process!

  10. Hi all,


    I applied to both IMRCEES and MAPP. I received notice that my scholarship from MAPP needs to be accepted by the European Commission. For IMRCEES, I'm waitlisted, but as this is my second choice, I'll likely decline being on the waitlist.


    I asked the coordinator through MAPP if the check by the European Commission is just a formality and here is what she sent me: 


    "Dear Ali,

    Thank you for your prompt response.
    It is a formality that the European Commission checks our list of selected students. So far they have not declined any scholarships this way, but of course, we cannot guarantee their decision in advance.
    Best wishes,



    Hope that helps to answer some questions about the process!

  11. Hi All,

    I also got admitted for the ISS-York track on a self-financing basis. Does anyone know how much it is that the self-financing students will pay for the entire period? Also, who knows of any other funding sources apart from the Mundus scholarship and the NFP scholarship?


    Hi Gatuha,


    You can find the tuition fees here: http://www.mundusmapp.org/prospective-students/tuition-fees

    For just tuition (not including living costs or flights, etc.) the price is € 11,000 per academic year (€ 22,000 for the whole programme).


    For other funding sources, I found this for ISS: 

    Netherlands Fellowship Programme & Mena Scholarship Programme:  -- http://www.iss.nl/pr...ships/nfp_msp/�

    -- http://www.nuffic.nl...hip-programmes�


    Hope that helps!

  12. Hey!

    At the moment yes. I am in my final year of study and funding is going to be a great problem for me if I don't find a scholarship. MAPP and IMRCEES are the only ones I applied for so far, but I will probably also apply for other scholarship schemes in English universities. If I had to choose between the 2, I would definitely go for IMRCEES, because I am from Romania and I have a particular interest in the region. Also, it would result in obtaining 2 masters diplomas, second one hopefully in European Politics in Poland. If you also add the opportunity to learn Russian, for me it's quite a clear choice and I think it came across in my application, as I have spent far more time on the IMRCEES one. I am only waitlisted for scholarship for MAPP, and given that only 1 award was given to EU citizens, I have given up on that.


    Cool! I only applied to these two programs as well. I graduated a year ago, but I can't go to grad school without funding so I thought I'd apply to MAPP and IMRCEES because they looked interesting (they are going to be my "fun" grad programs! haha). If I didn't get funding, I was going to wait a year and apply to a more broad selection of universities the next year. However, it looks like I got funding for MAPP, but I haven't received an email, so we'll see what happens.


    I'm torn between the two programs as my undergraduate thesis focused on central asia and eastern europe (Romania was actually one of my case studies!), and it give you two degrees, AND I had two friends who attended and really liked it...but MAPP is in two countries I really want to go to (and I'd love to work on my Spanish at IBEI), plus public policy is a broader program, that will help me apply for a variety of jobs.


    Not sure! We'll see what happens with IMRCEES!


    (by the way, which university did you go to in the UK?)

  13. not yet, same here.... E-mailed them last week asking if they have a more precise date for announcing the results, this is what they answered:

    Thank you for your message.   I appreciate that you are anxious to find out if you have been successful. Please be assured that we will contact you as soon as possible. I cannot be more precise at this stage.


    Hey mrcatuti, I think we're also on the forum about the MAPP program. Are these the only two grad schools you applied for? Which one are you leaning towards?


    I'm also finding it pretty surprising that we found out in December if we were in, but the funding information doesn't come until March. For the MAPP program, we applied in January and found out in February!

  14. I certainly hope so :) thank you for your kind words.

    IMRCEES is the only EMMC to which I applied this season. I did consider applying to MAPP, but felt that my application was not strong enough, having almost no background/ experience in public policy. But since I had started working in a NGO after applying to IMRCEES, it is possible that I would switch to public policy/development studies if not given a scholarship for russian studies.

    Anyway, may the odds be ever in our favor :)


    Cool! What NGO are you working with? Is it in Russia? I don't have a lot of public policy experience either, but I think my recent internship with Amnesty International (Canada section) helped, along with my degree (it's a general international studies focus, so I could argue how related it was to public policy haha).


    re: odds in our favour --> YES! :P

  15. Howdy,


    Accepted under self funding, but my issue stems from examining my application recently and realizing I entered ISS-York as my preferred mobility track though I clearly wrote about the ISS-IBEI track in my personal statement (how I managed to miff this up is beyond me). Anyone know if they specifically were accepted to their preferred mobility track or is it just assumed?


    Renee from Texas, studied Latin American Studies at Rice University in Houston.


    Hi Renee,


    I'm not sure if I'm accepted onto my specific study track (I assume though). Once I get an email from MAPP, I'll let you know if they confirm my study track. I'm sure if you email the coordinator you can get it figured out. They must understand, as you mentioned talking about the ISS-IBEI study track. 


    (Ali from Canada, studied International Studies at Simon Fraser University --in Vancouver)

  16. Hi Everyone!

    I have also been admitted but by self-financing. I applied for ISS-YORK.

    Now I am looking for others scholarships. I am from Argentina, and as far as I know my government does not have a scholarships' programme for this topic. 

    Any advice will be great!




    Hi Gretel! Congrats! 


    I posted a littler higher up about a few scholarships for ISS. I'll copy it below. Check it out to see if you're eligible! 


    Netherlands Fellowship Programme & Mena Scholarship Programme:  -- http://www.iss.nl/pr...ships/nfp_msp/�

    -- http://www.nuffic.nl...hip-programmes�

  17. Thanks for your help.

    The thing with funding from CEU itself is that the deadline was 1 February, so it's too late.

    But I understand CEU is still to send everyone of us who got accepted an email, which might indicate whether we get a waiver for our tuition fees. Let's see how that goes...


    Wow! Feb 1st seems so early. So many of the applications for other programs at CEU are open until April. 

  18. Scholarship information that I've found for ISS:


    Netherlands Fellowship Programme & Mena Scholarship Programme:  -- http://www.iss.nl/prospective_students/fellowships/nfp_msp/ 

    -- http://www.nuffic.nl/en/programme-administration/nfp-netherlands-fellowship-programmes/nfp-netherlands-fellowship-programmes 


    I'm going to research through all 4 schools and see what I can find for alternate scholarships. Again, I'll post what I find in this forum.

  19. To everyone viewing or commenting on this thread (and if you are new to thegradcafe.com and want more information on how this works..), just a heads up...if you'd like to post your results anonymously, you can do that on this website! Go here and post what you hear from your programs. It helps other students get an idea of how many people are admitted and other info!




    If you want to look through to see who's also posted their results, go here and search key words like: CEU, IBEI, ISS, York, Erasmus, Mundus, MAPP, Public Policy, etc.




    Good luck everyone!

  20. Hi, 


    My name is Caio, and I graduated in International Relations from the University of Brasilia, Brazil.


    I'm in the same situation as Talina... accepted on a self-funding basis.


    I am now checking for other funding sources (hoping for a waiver in the Tuition Fee as well) and checking whether I'd be able to pay for the studies and subsistence costs for up to two years...  :unsure:


    I hope it works out fine... I really wanna go.


    And I chose the same track as you two: CEU-IBEI





    Caio, Nice to meet you! Yes, I'm pretty sure there are going to be lots of other funding opportunities. Like I mentioned up above, CEU specifically has funding opportunities and since you're looking at the same track, I would look into that and see if you can get anything at least in your first year from them.


    If I see any other types of scholarships, or funding I'll post them here! Best of luck!


    By the way, I studied International Studies (Security and Conflict stream) at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada.


    I'm sure we have a lot of International Relations/Studies and Political Science kids admitted to this program!

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