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Everything posted by ecfbbbrooklyn

  1. Have you heard from Touro? I see this is from two weeks ago. I was accepted a while ago. Some people were asked to interview. The deadline to accept has passed, so I'm sure the waitlist is going now. I know people who aren't sure if they should go there or elsewhere, so they have deposits for both schools. So there is definitely hope! You can get in as late as the start of semester! best of luck to you!!
  2. I am not, but I have a couple of friends who are!
  3. HAHAHAHHA Oh gosh...this is EXACTLY what this process is like!
  4. Thank you! I'm sorry they haven't contacted you either way!!
  5. Just got accepted at Brooklyn College!!! My top Choice!!
  6. Just got an acceptance email from Brooklyn College!!
  7. So Hunter actually said that they do not interview and will send emails of acceptances out by the end of March!! Today Brooklyn College sent out another wave.
  8. Does anyone know when Brooklyn sends out their acceptances? How many waves of interviews do they do? Also, Queens said they hope to have their list of acceptances (16 students) by April 1st....Had my interview yesterday. When does Hunter get back to you? And do they interview?
  9. Brooklyn has a writing sample in the interview this year. I have an interview with Queens as well!
  10. Hi there! I just received an interview for Queens College! Anyone have any advice or question types that they ask? Anyone been to an interview with them in the past? Thank you!
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