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Everything posted by SouthernSLP

  1. thank you so much for your advice and words of encouragement! do you happen to have a list of the schools that looked at the last 60/90 or gave equal consideration to every application? I'm going to begin researching schools to apply to earlier this round and just wanted to know of a good place to begin. Thanks in advance and congrats on all of your acceptances-i know you have to be so ecstatic!
  2. Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and advice. I'm glad to know that I am not the only one in my current situation. I will definitely consider all your advice as to how I can strengthen myself as an applicant. Side note- are any of you from the South? I am, and I feel that there aren't too many places to volunteer/shadow unless you are accepted into a program already. Opportunities are pretty slim here, at least where I live. All of the schools I applied to were generally located in the south so I will definitely be applying to more schools outside of the south next time.
  3. Thank you for your reply! I will definitely be looking into everything Magoosh has to offer for the GRE. I do think as an applicant I lack experience. My undergraduate institution didn't really expose us to anything hands on, all we did was observe. I've called around several hospitals to observe some more and get involved but every place I've talked to either wants you to be a certified SLP, or at least a graduate student
  4. This was my first time applying for SLP graduate programs. Unfortunately I was not accepted to any programs. My overall GPA is pretty low due to flunking out of the first school i attended. Once I began taking SLP classes my GPA improved dramatically. My SLP GPA ended up being a 3.7. My GRE scores however are pretty low compared to the rest of the competition...289. I am a horrible standardized test taker. I applied to schools that would consider looking past my poor overall GPA and see the improvement I have made as a student and how interested and passionate I am about the field of SLP. But unfortunately I understand that most schools use GRE as a way to weed out applications. I guess at this point I'm just looking for advice on how to strengthen myself as an application. Retaking the GRE and trying to get a higher score is a big obvious. I am going to look into the Magoosh program and see if that will help any. As far as my GPA goes, I really don't think there is much I can do about that since i've already graduated with my bachelors in SLP. Also any encouragement would be great. I know there are many second and third year applicants on this forum. I am 24, so i'm a little older compared to some students applying for programs. At this point its a little discouraging to think of taking a year off, then beginning the application process again as an older student. Thanks in advance!
  5. everyone posting about Montevallo, is it the one located in Alabama...or is there another one? just curious.
  6. Did anyone else apply here? I heard that they extended the deadline past the original Feb. 25th and that we should expect to hear something by the end of March/early April.
  7. Fingers crossed we'll hear something soon from them! I've seen several acceptances on the results page for summer 2015 so hopefully we'll be getting some good news soon!
  8. anyone having issues logging into their UCF portal to check their application status? when i log on i get this message: You are not authorized to access this component. (40,20) You have not been granted security authorization for the component you are attempting to access. You may have access to the designated component and page, but not in the specified action mode (such as Correction or Update/Display). Contact your system administrator hoping the portal is down and this isn't a sign of rejection....
  9. Your GPA's are really good! Not every school focuses strongly on just GPA and GRE schools though. Some schools look at the applicant as a whole. My advice would try to be involved, join a NSSLHA chapter. And also volunteer a lot. It shows that you're really interested in the field.
  10. this waiting game is driving me crazy!
  11. I also applied to Central Florida...it's my top pick!
  12. I've been following this thread for a while now, but just decided to go ahead and create an account. Now that people are starting to receive acceptance letters I'm feeling as if i didn't apply to enough schools Anyone apply to programs primarily in the south??
  13. Anyone know when we should expect to hear something from UCF? And if the send out acceptance offers in waves? I noticed in the results thread that someone had recently been accepted to UCF for summer of 2015.
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