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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
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  1. It's pretty intense, I mean after all, it is grad school. I'm pretty much always doing something related to school, whether it be assignments for classes or clinic related. However, I wouldn't say I never have any free time. You just have to be smart about time management (and remembering it is okay to get Bs!) I am honestly not very pleased with the education I'm receiving. First, many classes are pointless and assign way too much busy work. Then there is the faculty. The clinical faculty are great! And for the most part, I enjoy clinic. But, some of the academic professors are awful. Some do not know how to teach and expect us to just know stuff before even lecturing about it, and can be very rude to the students. I'm not saying all of them are like this, but when you have a few that are, it makes it very hard to want to go to class, be motivated, and enjoy the program. I think I will be ready in 3 years. Like I said, the clinical faculty are great and actually care about you and your success. And thankfully, you'll be doing clinic when you're done anyway. In terms of pediatrics, it's only my first year, so we haven't really begun to talk about pediatrics yet. I see quite a few babies/children in clinic though. However, I have not been able to really do much of the testing due to not having learned about it yet. Just as a final note, two people have already dropped out of the program (and there were only 8 of us to begin with). I myself have been on the verge of dropping out, for personal reasons as well as because of some of the comments I shared above. It is definitely tough and very draining, both emotionally and physically.
  2. I'm currently in the program at IU. I specifically chose it due to it being 3 years as opposed to 4 years, or else I wouldn't be here. Seriously though, I had no other desire to come. I can't really say how it compares to a 4 year program (as I haven't really talked to anyone in one to compare), but I personally don't see much of a difference in any aspect. But if you have any other questions, I'm happy to answer them!
  3. I feel like I'm the only one attending, haha, so I made a Facebook group to hopefully meet some people going to IU in the fall! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1631376290409271/
  4. I was just in Bloomington this past weekend looking for a place. I had also considered Heritage, but decided against it just from the outside/area. I'm probably a little more picky though. The price was the only thing that seemed appealing to me. I signed a lease with SummerHouse at Indiana. All utilities included, plus internet and cable. They have fully furnished options as well, which was another plus in my book considering I'll be moving kind of far and prefer not to have to worry about bringing a ton with me. The price was really the only con, but for what it included, it seemed worth it to me. It was really nice and perfect size for one person! It's right down the street from College Mall, so basically everything (groceries, food, etc.) is right there and not around undergrads! It is also pretty new (only opened last summer...used to be a hotel so it still kind of has that same feel, the first floor of each building is actually still used as extended stay rooms for people just visiting, but everything is new). I plan on taking the bus to campus (as I tried to visit the campus and walk around, but it was completely awful parking wise, and I can now see why people suggest taking the bus instead of parking on campus). It seems to be maybe only a 10 minute ride, so not bad at all. Overall though, I loved Bloomington and am excited to move there in the Fall!
  5. Ah, was hoping to find someone else who was going! But, yay for making a decision and good luck at Missouri State!
  6. Does anyone plan on attending IU?
  7. Well, since I applied it has been about number two on my list if I had to rank my schools. Honestly, my main reason for it being a top choice is because it's a 3 year program as opposed to 4 years. I'm already a 5th year senior, so I'm ready to be done with school and start working! I also would prefer to not stay in the south. I also applied to University of Pittsburgh (this is my number one choice, as I am originally from Pittsburgh and would love to go back), University of Tennessee, East Tennessee State University, and University of the Pacific (which was a last minute decision and thankfully my friend had visited and found out that they were approved for accreditation...but SO expensive). I know I said I want to get out of the south, and then applied to two Tennessee schools, but these have actually moved up on my list recently after doing some more research on them. The financial aspect of them is what draws me to them the most. It's definitely going to be hard to make a decision!
  8. It is one of my top choices! I've heard back from two schools so far (both acceptances thankfully), but they were more my backup schools. Still have three more to hear from! The wait is definitely awful. But, good luck with your top choice school! Hopeful that you get in!
  9. Glad I am not the only one! Although, I do wish both of us (and anyone else who hasn't received it yet) had received something over the weekend! I always said to myself that the worst thing that could happen would be to see people posting about admission decisions to a school I applied to and being one of the people who hasn't heard anything yet! Hopefully it does come by tomorrow or Tuesday! Good luck to you!
  10. Has anyone who applied to Indiana not receive a letter yet? I have seen multiple people posting on the admission results section that they got a decision letter, so for obvious reasons, I am freaking out, haha. Also, for anyone who has received a letter, if you don't mind me asking, where do you live? Maybe I have not received one because of my location in regards to Indiana and it is still on its way here! Thanks!
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