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Pizza Fox

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Posts posted by Pizza Fox

  1. I found someone whose work is EXACTLY what I am hoping to do, in one of the few programs that aligns with my weird, interdisciplinary thing. However, she seems pretty green, and only recently got hired as an assistant professor. In fact, it looks like while she has written a number of articles, she's still working on her first book manuscript!

    My hunch is that a person in this position (who may or may not be on the tenure track?) may not be ready or even want to take on students in an advisee role. Is that the case? Could I reach out to her and tell her that I love her work so far, that it aligns with mine, and ask if she's willing to accept a student next year? Or is it a bad idea to try and hitch my wagon to someone who only just built their own wagon, so to speak?

    Maybe I can just reference her work in my SOP but alongside some stronger, more established professors at the same institution? Maybe I'm a big goofball, but I was just so excited to see someone doing what I love after sooooo many close-but-not-quites.

  2. I think everything that is required to be submitted will be evaluated. But your University GPA (which probably contains the majority, if not all, of your upper level courses) will certainly be more relevant, thus it makes sense to assume that the committee will put a higher weight on it. Also, your old GPA isn't bad at all, and the committees will also consider trends in GPA, especially the improvement since junior college. Finally, it's worth noting that although many schools will ask for an overall, cumulative GPA from each school, many programs will identify several "key courses" and give a larger weight grades to these courses. For example, many programs in my field will care the most about certain physics classes and upper level astronomy classes.

    Thank you so very much, you've been a great help. :) I also took my first courses at the JC in 2006, nearly ten years ago (dear god lol) so I'm hoping they'll see how much time has passed since I began this long weird journey (got my BA in 2014.) Thanks again!

  3. You include the transcript. Some of my credits were done at a community college and I absolutely was required to include those. In fact, my degree granting institution just listed it as generic "x credits at Y college" on the official transcript (I was given a copy that I opened upon graduating) so those grades may well be essential.

    To be honest, I never really considered that my GPA at the JC would be considered along with my GPA from the university. Ruh roh. Do you know if they look at each GPA separately or average the two? My GPA at the JC was not the greatest (3.61 plus some withdrawals, had a rough freshman year) but my GPA at my university was 3.98. I had always looked at the university as a kind of fresh start, GPA wise. :( Oh dear!

  4. I transferred from a junior college to a 4-year university during my junior year. I was wondering--what, if anything, should I say about this in my application? I mean, I'm obviously not going to be talking about it in my SOP, but do I also need to include my JC transcripts? Or are those courses automatically carried over and included on my BA transcript?


  5. Here is some possibly bad advice . . .


    I just want to say that this was actually incredibly GOOD advice, and exactly what I needed to read while searching grad cafe with a panic attack about My Future. I don't know about nilfunks, but what you said totally hit me in the right way. I graduated last year and thought I would apply to start in 2015, but decided to postpone to 2016 at the last minute. I'm working a job I hate right now and regretting not applying, but honestly . . . I'm convinced I'm going to get into a better program now, and not just because I've got more time to prepare my application. I've already gotten to know myself better outside the bizarre un-reality of academia, and I cannot tell you how valuable the freedom to experiment, read, think, and be patient has been for determining what I want to study. But you're right, it's also a painful process, because I constantly feel like I'm "losing time," even as I recognize all the important growth that's happening during this period.


    Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for reminding me why I'm doing this. I hope others read this and realize that waiting, while not ALWAYS the right choice, and certainly not the most attractive, can do wonders for your perspective.

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