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Posts posted by MrBombastic

  1. "ORPAS includes all courses and marks, including failures, incomplete, repeated, and supplementary courses."


    I copy and pasted that from their little handbook - page 11!




    Hope that helps



    ORPAS basically mirrors your transcript... 

    Usually what happens is you will have the original course entry on your transcript with a "No Grade Reported/No Credit" and a second attempt with the improved grade. In that scenario ORPAS does not take the initial attempt into calculation. 

    However, how that shows up on your transcript is entirely school-dependent

  2. for 1000 bucks you should be able to find something in bicycle distance to u of t  (I'm assuming that is where you were accepted)

    if not, i still recommend living downtown cause its a nice lifestyle-- coffee shops, nightlife etc.


    right now st. clair west is affordable ... ossington to dufferin are also up and coming.

    the danforth is also affordable right now.


    My philosophy is that as long as you are ten to 15 minutes to the subway, most things are a 45 minute commute in total.

    toronto is pretty decent in terms of safety. there are no areas that i would say definitely do not move into. Artists have moved in if its cheap.



    Thats not true. 

    I would avoid Jane and Finch at all costs, Keele and Wilson, and surronding areas


    Mind you its not nearly as bad as some places in US like Detroit, Gary, or Camden, but still

  3. When I login to the "join u of t" page and click "check status", it says "applicant data not found". This is my second time applying. Last time I applied was 2 years ago. I'm so worried! I guess I should email them. Is anyone else seeing this?


    You got a student number from UofT from JOINId right?

    Try activating SWS/ROSI with dat student id (click first time users)... See if it tells you something different there, under Registration

    Let us know what it tells you

  4. lol, so it turns out my joinid is already activated because I am a U of T alumni. I just logged on. I feel silly now. Oreoz.. did you go to u of t as well? Maybe that is why you didnt get one?


    nins, have you tried logging into ROSI/SWS?


    Does it say anything about for registration for "FALL 2015"?

    Does it say anything next to the "Status"?


    I got on the wait list for Alberta! Does anyone know if it's common for people to get in off the waitlist?? I feel like because I'm finding out early it could be a good sign that I'm near the top of the list.

    "The department has sent out offer letters to 56 students.  These students have until April 7 to make their decision.  In the meantime, you have been put on our waiting list.   It can take until the end of April early May to fill our quota or longer.   At this time, please refrain from contacting the office for more information on the status of your application.  Your application is very strong, so if you do get accepted to another university, please let us know so we can update our list accordingly.  Your letter is attached.  Thank you.





    Given that there are 56 spots, naturally there's a higher probability that more people will change their mind/choose alternative programs.

    I personally know quite a few that applied to Alberta for "safety"

    I'd say you got a decent chance! Stay strong

  6. I know U of T at least doesn't accept prerequisites that are more than ten years old. You might have to retake a few classes, but you can do that online. 

    Anyone know why they require this? Seems a bit silly to make someone retake a bunch of courses just because they took them ten years ago. Kinda makes it difficult for people trying for a second career who might bring a lot of great experiences to the table. 


    It totally makes sense.

    SLP field isn't stagnant it rapidly changes, neuroimaging gets better and better, there are crazy paradigm shifts in psychology, studies of development, heck even stats! 5-10 years ago iPads in rehab were unheard of, now a lot of clients rely on them for communication and lots of programs rely on them for therapy. 

    One of my profs refused to use a textbook because she said that by the time its conferred and published, a tonne of new research has already come out.


    So I completely understand why they would ask you to retake pre-reqs from a decade ago. 

  7. Congrats toriec! Sorry to bombard you guys with questions, but I was wondering if you and MrBombastic applied for the M.Sc. or the M.Sc.A.?





    Ah Congratulations guys! If its okay could I also receive your stats?


      Not that I think I got in, but I'm concerned that I currently don't have a Canadian phone. I am currently living in Tokyo and the phone number I gave them is no longer in service... I'm sure that if they really wanted to talk to me they would email but it still makes me anxious.


    Is your address on file still good?

    I doubt that they will keep pestering you with phonecalls, instead they will just mail you a physical letter of acceptance. 

  8. Thanks everyone!

    The status did not change on UApply. 


    I got a call from McGill today too, but I was in class so I couldn't answer it! As soon as I finished class I called them right back, but I had to leave a message. The suspense is killing me now!


    That pretty much means you are in. Congrats toriec!

    From what I gathered they first contact the acceptances, then waitlists, then rejections, in that order

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