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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Costume/Fashion Studies

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oflittlevisibledelight's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I applied to programs in New York and, if I'm accepted, my biggest treat to myself will be all the delicious food! I'm from Montana and there's really not a lot of variety out here. All I want is a cronut and to purchase some delicious pierogies from a food truck. Also, I challenged myself to a dry month beginning the day after Valentine's Day, so I'm due for a night of indulgence following an interview on Monday with NYU. My condolence prize if I'm not accepted is a big road trip to New Orleans and Gulf Shores in the fall with my SO. I've already started planning so that I have something to look forward to in case I'm in for a world of grad school disappointment.
  2. My dream course to teach is definitely History on Film. Course Objectives -Students will learn to question narratives presented in popular media and analyze artistic liberty, intent, and themes. -Additionally, students will look at the which, when, where, and why of popular genres. For example, during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, why were films depicting warfare so well received? -To suck the joy out of watching a movie. Basic Course Schedule -One day a week scheduled for movie viewing and two others for lecture/discussion Course materials -Movies, obviously. I imagine these would change from year to year, but I'm thinking Braveheart, some iteration of Joan of Arc, Titanic, Robin Hood, Man in the Iron Mask, Alexander, Marie Antoinette, Gone with the Wind, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. You get the picture. A wide variety of movies. -Text: History and Film: Moving Pictures and the Study of the Past by Maarten Pereboom supplemented by various pertinent articles. Grading -Grades will be based on weekly discussion, one paper per month (4) on one film the class had watched that month, and a final exam.
  3. If I want to impress people, I tell them I'm interested in the convergence of British and American cultural and social histories from 1870-1945 with specific interest in the Edwardian period. I am especially interested in the convergence of gender and the rise of consumer cultures, the entry of wealthy American women into London society following the American Civil War and Franco-Prussian War, and the relationship between nostalgia, memory, and war during the Edwardian period as portrayed in the media. In all honesty, though, I've read too Edith Wharton and watched too much Titanic and Downton Abbey. Titanic's costuming was definitely a key component when it comes to why I want to focus on the history of dress. I would like to address questions of consumerism, international travel, culture, and society through the lens of costume. I want to look at pretty dresses all day. Also, some jerk in my senior thesis group balked when, during a discussion of civilian morale in Britain during the Blitz, I brought up how material rationing affected style. He said something to the effect of, "Normal historians don't care about clothes." Stubborn me might just be pursuing this to prove a point.
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