I saw a few people today got rejection e-mails from William Paterson, is it safe to assume if you didn't get the first round of acceptances, nor these rejections that you've been put on a waiting list? Anyone else not heard? I haven't heard from Seton Hall or Kean either.
It kind of seems like people are getting accepted via email but waitlisted/rejected via mail (or atleast thats what I gathered from the admissions page). I hope thats wrong though because I haven't gotten an email!
When you call schools do you generally call the graduate admissions department or the department head of the program? I'm not sure who to exactly talk to. Thanks!
Does anyone know what the protocol is for emailing a school to ask status/when you will hear from them? I have two deadlines to accept offers for April 15th, neither of them are schools I'm crazy about and I'm still waiting for 5 more and just want to email the schools to see whats up, but i'm not sure what people who have been emailing have said in the past. Thanks!
Has anyone else still not heard anything from Kean or Seton Hall? I see that people have gotten both acceptances and rejections, and I haven't heard anything at all. I'm also waiting from William Paterson and Stockton but haven't seen people posting about those yet.
I got an email February 19th saying they are "in receipt of your application to the Master's of Science in Communication Disorders and Sciences atWilliam Paterson University. The admissions committee is beginning to review applications and expects to send out the first round of decisions in early March." However, my friend that goes there now for speech didn't hear until the last week in April last year.