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  1. Bluedevil, is it the Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness program that you are turning down? If you don't mind me asking, were you applying as a current undergrad or did you already graduate/have some work experience? thanks!
  2. Is everyone who got into the MA Counseling in Mental Health and Wellness program definitely going?
  3. can you register for the accepted students reception here? http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/news/2009/4/2/Counseling_for_Mental_Health_and_Wellness_Accepted_Students_Reception
  4. So if you can't log in, does it mean you were wait listed/rejected..?
  5. Do you think we will also receive an acceptance/wait list/rejection email in addition to postal notification? I'm on break and don't have access to my school mailbox this week :/
  6. Are people that are applying to the MA program-Mental Health and Wellness, currently an undergrad or already graduated/had some work experience? I am currently an undergrad.
  7. Looking at the Mental Health/Wellness webpage, has anyone been able to RSVP to the accepted students orientation? I clicked the link and it said "registration is full". However I am assuming this is from last year...?
  8. waiting...wanting..

  9. can you post the link to last year's acceptances? thanks!
  10. I also applied to the Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness and wasn't able to create the NYU log-in.
  11. I just called the department of Applied Psychology asking when applicants to the MA program in Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness will be notified about their application status, and they told me "soon". She admitted she wasn't exactly sure when. However, she did transfer me to Graduate Admissions and they told me they send out most of their letters late March/early April... I think that is just a general time frame since specific programs seem to be having earlier notification periods..
  12. Has anyone heard back from the MA- Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness Program yet? Do you know if the acceptance will be in email or postal mail? I know of a few people that have already heard back/been accepted to other programs at NYU-Steinhardt which also had a Feb.1st application deadline...
  13. Hi Kristen, Are you currently an undergrad applying to this program, if so where do you go to school? good luck! i'm also waiting anxiously to hear!
  14. at the info session, did they happen to say how many people they typically accept/ the size of the MA program in Counseling for Mental Health/Wellness?
  15. Thanks! I'm glad that I have a general date in mind now. At the info. session, did they talk about how they weighed certain parts of the application (recommendations, transcript, resume, personal statement) /if there is an aspect that is considered the most important? Thanks you!
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