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Posts posted by Deleuzional

  1. I tend to look for a trend. One really dramatic person is often the kind of person who could find a reason to be dramatic anywhere. But, of course, it depends on the story the person has to tell.

    Agreed. I went to DePaul for my undergrad in Philosophy and found it a perfectly pleasant and interesting place to be, particularly if you want to study continental philosophy. I think it would be rather difficult to find a university where the majority of people, both at an undergraduate and graduate level, aren't "mainstream" because, well, that's commonly how mainstream culture works. I think you can (and will) find pockets of interesting, artsy, and/or counter-cultural individuals anywhere you go (as I did at DePaul). 


    To the OP- if you have questions about DePaul, feel free to PM me. Most of my knowledge comes from being an undergraduate in the program though. 

  2. I just received my official acceptance to Villanova last night after having an interview with them yesterday afternoon. I'm very excited as this is my first PhD acceptance of the season and I think the school is well suited to my interests!


    Prior to this week I hadn't heard from them, but I reached out on Friday to the department to check on my application. As it turns out, they had been trying to contact me for awhile about an interview (they forwarded me the emails), but the email they had on file was slightly off from what my email actually was! The DGS reached out to me yesterday morning and we set up the interview for the afternoon. It has been a hectic, but wonderful 24 hours. Now I'm putting together a visit to the school for this weekend!

  3. Long time lurker here. I thought it was about time I make myself known. Hello fellow applicants! 


    I had actually posted to the results page last week that I received an acceptance to the Master's program at the New School for Social Research and someone responded questioning if it was real. It is real, though I'm not sure how to prove the legitimacy without disclosing personal information. I received a generic email from the Associate Director of Grad Admissions telling me to check the website where I had a letter from the same person offering me admission into the MA program and 50% tuition scholarship. 

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