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Everything posted by SnakePliskin207

  1. I appreciate the feedback from the forum. I'm still trying to decide between Gtown SSP and the Fletcher MALD. I was very impressed with Fletcher after visiting this week. From what I can tell their security studies program is fairly robust, at least in terms of the classes I want to take. I do like their holistic approach towards IR and security studies in general, trying to teach students to view the complex problems of the world through multiple lenses (law, diplomacy, Econ, historical, then your fields of study like security studies). In my line of work we can often have stove pipe thinking. In terms of Gtown SSP, I am still a little baffled that you can only take 3 classes a semester as a full time student, where at Fletcher you take 4 (and you can audit more). There are tons of courses at Gtown that are intriguing, but they like to cap classes at 18 students and again only 3 courses a semester. Fletcher has no cap on classes and they encourage cross pollination of the students (MALD, MIB, etc) attending the classes. Fletcher also provides a great deal of flexibility in their MALD where you can essentially create your own field of study. I have some concerns about the Gtown night class atmosphere and the fact that an adjunct might be teaching the class as opposed to one of the big name professors. I'm curious how much of a student body community you can create when everyone meets at night and then does whatever they are doing in the day. I guess my point in all this rambling is that if any student is putting forth a significant amount of money towards these programs, you would think that there wouldn't be a high degree of restriction and that you are getting "your" experience out of it. Maybe I missing something here or I'm just not looking at this the right way.
  2. Atlas, I don't think you can do wrong in either program honestly. You have to do what is best for you though. I would never advise someone to absorb more debt to obtain a degree when you can get a comparable degree elsewhere along with funding. I think your options and opportunities could potentially be greater at Georgetown, but not substantially enough to justify a significant amount of debt. Do what you think will be best for you, I don't think you can go wrong either way as they are both highly respected programs.
  3. DCB, I just heard from them last week. I originally applied to the GWU International Affairs program. I was contacted by the admissions department as they wanted me to explain to them more about my language proficiency. Having only taken language classes in high school and one in undergrad, I knew that my language wasn't the strongest. They recommended that I transfer my admissions packet from International Affairs to the Security Policy Studies program, which I then requested. My packet was "under review" from the SPS admissions board for the last month and they let me know I was in last week.
  4. Atlas445, I was just admitted into GWU Security Policy Studies program this morning. Right now I am thinking that I will only be able to visit Georgetown the weekend of 10 April. What would you all say are the main distinctions between the Georgetown SSP and GWU SPS programs? If I am limited on time for the weekend of 10 April, I'm planning to prioritize on Georgetown since its program is #1. Thanks for the avatar compliment, Lieutenant S.D Bob "Snake" Plissken is my role model, haha.
  5. I just recieved notification that I was admitted into the MA in Security Policy Studies program at GWU. I think the Georgetown and GWU admitted students day is the same time (10 April). I will probably just visit Georgetown on 10 April.
  6. For what it's worth, I would recommend Korbel. Beautiful location with and great quality of life. Korbel has a solid ranking in the last FP listings.
  7. That is odd you got into Yale but rejected at SSP. Totally the opposite for me (Yale rejected, SSP accepted). It's all a big mind game!
  8. Atlas445, I wrote an email back to Tyler Browne (the admissions director at SSP). He told me 10 April was the visitation day. I also called the admissions office and one of the folks there told me the same day, 10 April. This is all supposed to release in an email "soon". I wanted to get this info because cost of travel obviously increases the more time you wait. I don't have any further details on the schedule of events, but I may just call them today, get that info, and publish it on this forum as well, haha. Yes I know 10 April is the same day as GWU Elliott School. My admission packet is still "pending review" from another committee as I switched my admissions packet from their International Affairs Program to the Security Studies Program about a month ago. This was based on recommendation from the Elliot Schoo's admissions department since I had only one language classes in undergrad. At this point, I plan on just visiting Georgetown SSP on 10 April. Hopefully I will meet ya'll there.
  9. Congrats to all those accepted to the SSP! I am tracking the admitted students day is April 10. Is anyone going up there to visit? I for one will be there as I have never been to visit Georgetown. I'm definitely excited to see the campus and would enjoy linking up with some of you there.
  10. Does anyone know if the SSP has an admitted student weekend? I can't seem to find info on it anywhere. Email decision released on 27 March, decision must be made by 15 April...but I haven't even seen the place yet! Thanks in advance.
  11. Atlas445, thanks for the feedback. Congrats on getting into the Georgetown SSP, I know you were patiently waiting like me!
  12. First off, I am an Army Officer and I am in a program where my graduate school will be fully funded. Upon completion of Grad School I will return to my "day job" in the Army. I still have not made a decision on where I will attend this fall. The primary factors shaping my decision are prestige, quality of the education, internship/networking opportunities, and quality of life. My academic interests are in the realm of International Security and Grand Strategy. Most of my work experience has been in counterinsurgency, security force advising with host nation security forces, and military operations. I have been accepted to the following schools: Edmund Walsh @ Georgetown, MA Security Studies Program Fletcher @ Tufts, MALD Korbel @ Denver, MA International Security Bush @ Texas A&M, MA International Affairs (still waiting to hear from GWU, MA Security Policy Studies) (I was rejected by Jackson @ Yale, MA Global Affairs) Any advice or recommendations out there on these programs based upon my interests/background listed above? Right now I feel that I have a tough decision between Georgetown and Tufts.
  13. Accepted! I had a good undergrad GPA, GRE, and strong LORs (I assume they wrote nice things). 7 years of military experience, several deployments overseas. No scholarship, but that's OK as the military is funding my grad school.
  14. Congrats Atlas! Still waiting to hear back. You must be right though, tons of applicants.
  15. I'm still waiting for notification from Elliot as well. Must be a traffic jam on the internet email lines...
  16. Kingthearab, I think that is interesting they are waiting so late to release SSP results. Thanks for the feedback!
  17. Any word from the other SSP applicants yet? All quiet in my inbox.
  18. Are any of you all going on the "hiking adventure" that takes place on the Saturday of the visiting weekend? I'm bringing my Merrell hiking shoes!
  19. I figure we will all get word this week or next week at the latest, considering the accepted student weekend is around 10 April.
  20. I have been accepted into the Fletcher MALD program and will be coming up for the accepted students weekend. While the Tufts name may not be as immediately recognizable in name recognition as Harvard (at least to the average Joe) I have heard nothing but good things about the program from those "in the know" within the IR community as well as previous academic instructors. Does anyone know the average size of the student body within the MALD program? The Tufts website lists that class sizes are very small, which is very appealing to me.
  21. Still waiting to hear from the Elliot School as well.
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